



  M.Z.N.60.2007.LOS of 17 December 2007: Deposit of (1) List of geographical coordinates of points between which straight baselines are to be drawn for the purpose of determining the innermost limits of the territorial seas of Rotuma and its dependencies, as contained in the Marine Spaces (Territorial Seas) (Rotuma and Its Dependencies) Order (based on the World Geodetic System 1972 (WGS 72) datum, plus 3 seconds of latitude and plus 2 seconds of longitude in each case);

(2) List of geographical coordinates of points between which straight baselines are to be drawn for the purpose of determining the outermost limits of the archipelago waters of Fiji and the innermost limits of the territorial sea of the Fiji archipelago, as contained in the first schedule (paragraph 2) annexed to the Marine Spaces (Archipelagic Baselines and Exclusive Economic Zone) Order (based on the World Geodetic System 1972 (WGS 72) datum, minus 7 seconds of latitude and 14 seconds of longitude in each case); and

(3) List of geographical coordinates of points between which, when joined in a numerical sequence, a line is drawn up to which extend the outer limits of the exclusive economic zone of Fiji, as reflected in the second schedule (paragraph 3) contained in the Marine Spaces (Archipelagic Baselines and Exclusive Economic Zone) Order (based on the World Geodetic System 1972 (WGS 72) datum).


M.Z.N.113.2015.LOS of 12 March 2015: Deposit of a list of geographical coordinates of points, pursuant to article 16, paragraph 2, and article 47, paragraph 9, of the Convention

 The lists of geographical coordinates of points contained in this deposit supersede those referred to sub 1) and 2) of M.Z.N.60.2007.LOS above.

Communications received by the Secretary-General in connection with the deposit of charts and/or lists of geographical coordinates of points



Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf made on 20 April 2009
Preliminary information indicative of the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles in accordance with SPLOS/183



 Continental Shelf Act, No. 9 of 30 December 1970
 Continental Shelf Act, 1970; Designation of Area Order of 16 April 1971 by Minister for Natural Resources
 Marine spaces Act, 1977, Act. No. 18 of 15 December 1977, as amended by the Marine Spaces (Amendment) Act 1978, Act No. 15 of 6 October 1978
 The Marine Spaces (Territorial Sea) (Rotuma and its dependencies) Order, 1981 (see Law of the Sea Bulletin No. 66)
 Marine Spaces (Archipelagic baselines and exclusive economic zone) Order, 1981 (see Law of the Sea Bulletin No. 66)
 Marine Spaces (Territorial Seas) (Rotuma and its Dependencies) (Amendment) Order 2012 (see Law of the Sea Bulletin No. 27)
Maritime boundary delimitation agreements
 and other material

with France

 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of France and the Government of Fiji relating to the delimitation of their economic zone (with annex and maps), 19 January 1983 (entry into force; 21 August 1984; registration #: 27963; registration date: 7 March 1991; )
  Codicil modifying the Agreement of 19 January 1983 between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of Fiji relating to the delimitation of their economic zone, 8 November 1990 (entry into force: 8 November 1990; registration #: 27963; registration date: 7 March 1991;)

with Solomon Islands

 Agreement between the Republic of Fiji and Solomon Islands concerning their maritime boundary , 11 July 2022 (entry into force: 22 February 2023; registration #: I-57923; date of registration: 15 August 2023; )

with Tuvalu

  Agreement between the Government of Fiji and the Government of Tuvalu concerning their maritime boundaries, 17 October 2014 (entry into force: 17 October 2014; registration #: I-56867; registration date: 1 August 2021; )
  Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between the Government of Fiji and the Government of Tuvalu amending Article 1 of the Agreement between the Government of Fiji and the Government of Tuvalu concerning their maritime boundaries, 4 April 2019 and 26 October 2020 (entry into force: 26 October 2020; registration #: A-56867; registration date: 1 August 2021; )

Additional information: ►The repertory of the Law of the Sea Bulletins |►Declarations and statements |► |► |► |► |

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