Afrique Livres
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The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, Jeffrey D. Sachs (Penguin, New York, Etats-Unis, 2005; 397 p.; broché 27,95Ìý$)
Dynamiques des conflits et crises de développement en Afrique Centrale, sous la direction de Mbaya Kankwenda (Editions Duboiris, Paris, France, 2004; 452 p.)
The Global Women’s Movement: Origins, Issues and Strategies, Peggy Antrobus (Zed Books, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 2004; 256 p.; relié 32,95 £, 55 $, broché 9,99 £, 17,50 $)
Southern Africa in World Politics: Local Aspirations and Global Entanglements, Janice Love (Westview Press, Boulder, CO, Etats-Unis, 2005; 235 p.; broché 24Ìý$)
Regulating Mining in Africa: For Whose Benefit?, sous la direction de Bonnie Campbell (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, Suède, 2004; 89 p.; 100ÌýSEK, 10ÌýE, 7,95 £)
Shea Butter Republic: State Power, Global Markets, and the Making of an Indigenous Commodity, Brenda Chalfin (Routledge, Oxford, Royaume-Uni, 2004; 320 p.; relié 90Ìý$)
Vote et démocratie dans l’Egypte contemporaine, Sarah Ben Nefissa et Alâ Al-dîn Arafat (Karthala, Paris, France, 2005; 286 p.; 25ÌýE)
Reinventing Order in the Congo: How People Respond to State Failure in the Congo, sous la direction de Theodore Trefon (Zed Books, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 2004; 224 p.; relié 45Ìý£, 75Ìý$, broché 14,95Ìý£, 22,50Ìý$)
WTO and the Global Trading System: Development Impacts and Reform Proposals, Martin Khor et al (Zed Books, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 2005; 192 p.; relié 45Ìý£, 69,95Ìý$, broché 14,95Ìý£, 25Ìý$)
Globalization — Tame It or Scrap It?, Greg Buckman (Zed Books, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 2004; 256 p.; relié 32,95Ìý£, 55Ìý$, broché 9,99Ìý£, 17,50Ìý$)
Addressing the Challenges of Globalization: An Independent Evaluation of the World Bank’s Approach to Global Programs, Uma Lele (Publications de la Banque mondiale, Washington, Etats-Unis, 2005; 120 p.; broché 20Ìý$)
Balancing the Development Agenda: The Transformation of the World Bank under James Wolfensohn, 1995-2005 (Publications de la Banque mondiale, Washington, Etats-Unis, 2005; 120 p.; broché 15,04ÌýE)
Le temps des journalistes : L’invention de la presse en Afrique francophone, Thierry Perret (Karthala, Paris, France, 2005; 320 p.; 25ÌýE)
Africa’s Media, Democracy and the Politics of Belonging, Francis B. Nyamnjoh (Zed Books, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 2005; 320 p.; relié 55Ìý£, 85Ìý$; broché 16,95Ìý£, 25Ìý$)
Who Owes Who? 50 Questions about World Debt, Damien Millet et Eric Toussaint (Zed Books, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 2004; 240 p.; relié 32,95Ìý£, 55Ìý$, broché 9,99Ìý£, 17,50Ìý$)
Undermining Development: The Absence of Power among Local NGOs in Africa, Sarah Michael (Indiana University Press, Indiana, Etats-Unis, 2005; 218 p.; broché 22,95Ìý$)
Changing Class: Education and Social Change in Post-Apartheid South Africa, sous la direction de Linda Chisholm (Zed Books, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 2004; 340Ìýp.; relié 50Ìý£, 75Ìý$)
Beyond Territory and Scarcity: Exploring Conflicts over Natural Resource Management, sous la direction de Quentin Gausset, Michael A. Whyte et Torben Birch-Thomsen (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, Suède, 2005; 218 p.; broché 220ÌýSEK, 22ÌýE, 26,95Ìý£)
An Economic Blueprint for Ghana, T.E. Anin (Woeli Publishing Services, Accra, Ghana, 2003; 159 p.; broché 17,95Ìý£, 35,95Ìý$)
The Roots of the Military-Political Crises in Côte d’Ivoire, Francis Akindès (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, Suède, 2004; 46 p.; 90ÌýSEK, 9ÌýE)
Structural Adjustment: The SAPRI Report. The Policy Roots of Economic Crisis, Poverty and Inequality, the Structural Adjustment Participatory Review International Network (Zed Books, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 2004; 256 p.; relié 59,95Ìý£, 75Ìý$, broché 16,95Ìý£, 25Ìý£)
La coopération décentralisée et ses paradoxes, Alain Marie (Karthala, Paris, France, 2005; 232 p.; 22ÌýE)
Endgame in the Western Sahara: What Future for Africa’s Last Colony, Toby Shelley (Zed Books, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 2004; 240 p.; relié 45Ìý£, 69,95Ìý$, broché 14,95Ìý£, 22,50Ìý$)
African Emerging Markets, Sam Mensah et Todd Moss (African Capital Markets Forum, 2004; 287 p.; broché 29,95Ìý£)
Learning to Love Africa: My Journey from Africa to Harvard Business School and Back, Monique Maddy (HarperBusiness, New York, Etats-Unis, 2004; 368 p.; relié 24,95Ìý$)
Participation — From Tyranny to Transformation? Exploring New Approaches to Participation and Development, sous la direction de Samuel Hickey et Giles Mohan (Zed Books, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 2004; 304 p.; relié 50Ìý£, 75Ìý$, broché 15,95Ìý£, 25Ìý$)
Reasonable Radicals and Citizenship in Botswana: The Public Anthropology of Kalanga Elites, Richard Weber (Indiana University Press, Indianapolis, Etats-Unis, 2004; 268 p.; broché 24,95Ìý$, relié 60Ìý$)