

Cover Story

Cover Story

Africa strives to rebuild its domestic industries

Economic diversification to guard against unfavourable commodity prices
African Union chairperson and president of Rwanda Paul Kagame, president of Niger Mahamadou Issoufou and African Union Commission chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat at the launch of AfCFTA in Kigali in March 2018.
Cover Story

Africa set for a massive free trade area

Experts say the African Continental Free Trade Agreement is a game changer
Cover Story

Trade talks: where is the development?

In North and South, critics see “Doha round” as a run-around
Rebels in Sierra Leone: small arms not only take many lives, but also exact a heavy toll on African societies and economies. Photo: ?Impact Visuals / Teun Voeten
Cover Story

Small arms in Africa

Counting the cost of gun violence
Cover Story

Africa struggles with soaring food prices

From emergency reactions to farming investments
Cover Story

Foreign investors eye African consumers

Beyond minerals, sales and services are drawing more interest
Cover Story

‘In 10 years, NEPAD has achieved a lot’

Ibrahim Mayaki, head of Africa’s partnership initiative