Passenger data exchange to counter terrorist travel focus of OSCE-缅北禁地seminar (10 November 2023)
The OSCE Transnational Threats Department and United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) delivered the 7th Passenger Data Exchange Seminar as a back-to back event with the 3rd in-person meeting of the Eastern European Informal Working Group on Passenger Data (EE IWG) on 8 to10 November 2023.
The event gathered 100 passenger data experts both in person and online to put into practice the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution 2396 (2017) and identify needs for technical assistance across the EE IWG member states. The resolution focuses on the threat posed to international peace and security by returning foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) and, calls on member states to strengthen border security by establishing passenger data exchange systems, bilateral and multilateral information-sharing as well as collecting Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) data.
Experts emphasized the need to establish human rights-focused passenger data legislation as well as technical and financial support in applying it. They also highlighted the benefits of engaging with airlines from the early stage and how to analyze and profile passenger data. IT service providers presented their API/PNR analysis systems.
This year's event focused on Eastern Europe, with discussions held among IWG member States from the region.