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All reports must be drafted in English or French, the two working languages of the 山Secretariat. 1. Project Management Arrangement The Civil Society Organization (CSO) receiving the grant as the Implementing Agency (IA) bears all substantive, financial, monitoring and reporting responsibilities to UNDEF. The CSO is responsible for the overall management of the project. 2. Project Monitoring UNDEF projects are monitored in several ways: A. All Implementing Agencies (IAs) for all projects must monitor their own activities. The Implementing Agency (IA) should use the indicators set in the Result Based Framework of the Project Document (PD) to monitor the project throughout its duration. If the IA is required to collect additional baseline date, they are required to do so as soon as possible. Furthermore, the data for the indicators will be used in the final evaluation of the project. B. UNDEF will appoint monitors to observe project milestones as detailed in the project document. C. In addition to the above, for all projects, UNDEF will monitor progress by way of review of mid-term and progress reports and will conduct ad-hoc monitoring visits of the project as needed. 3. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements See Annex I for reporting timelines. Additionally, UNDEF may request ad hoc updates at any time throughout the duration of the project. Templates for financial and narrative reporting can be found on the UNDEF website. Reports that do not use the correct template will not be accepted. 3.1 Milestone Verification Report Each milestone and corresponding grant instalment are indicated by the grantee and approved by UNDEF during negotiation of the project document. It is the responsibility of the grantee to inform UNDEF of any changes to a milestone well in advance of its scheduled activity which may lead to changes in the disbursement schedule. UNDEF will appoint an observer to monitor project milestones 2 and 3. This person or entity will bear no responsibility for any aspect of implementation of the project. In order to arrange for monitoring of project milestones as detailed in the disbursement schedule in the project document, the Implementing Agency must provide UNDEF with the logistical details of the milestone activity two months prior to its occurrence. Logistical details include dates, location, contact names, agenda and any accompanying materials using a Milestone Information Form to be provided by UNDEF. The UNDEF-appointed monitor will contact the Implementing Agency directly to make final arrangements. The monitor will attend the activity, will take notes and photos, and will collect materials. The Implementing Agency should provide the monitor with necessary documents, such as the event agenda, signed list of participants, publications, brochures etc. The monitor will then compile the details from the monitoring activity and will submit to UNDEF a Milestone Verification Report (MVR). In some cases, UNDEF may decide to conduct a desk review of the milestone activity in lieu of sending monitors. In these cases, the Implementing Agency will be required to submit an MVR, photos of the activity, short videos and any additional accompanying materials. 3.2 Milestone Financial Utilization Report (certified by the auditor) Upon completion of each milestone activity, the Implementing Agency is required to submit a milestone  HYPERLINK "http://www.un.org/democracyfund/Docs/2R_UNDEF Financial Utilization Report_CSO implemented_EN.xls"Financial Utilization Report (FUR) certified by the external accountant / auditor listed in the project document. All reports will be submitted in the required UNDEF format. The financial reports will reflect the amount spent to date cumulatively and the designated auditor shall review the expenditures against the agreed budget and the cumulative disbursed amounts from UNDEF. As a first step, the Implementing Agency is required to submit an uncertified FUR in Excel format for a preliminary approval by UNDEF. As a second step, the same FUR certified by the independent and external auditor indicated in the project document will have to be submitted to UNDEF by the Auditor directly. Certified FURs submitted by the Implementing Agency to UNDEF will not be accepted. These financial reports should be in the required UNDEF format and reflect the amount spent to date. The purpose of the FUR is to compare project expenditures against the project budget as agreed to in the signed project document. At least 70% of the previous tranche must be spent before the next tranche is disbursed. Projects are required to attach a short explanation per budget line where there has been over and under expenditure. UNDEF will review the FUR and will either approve the expenditure or will revert to the grantee for further information or discussion. Changes to the approved project budget require prior UNDEF approval. Financial reallocations made without prior UNDEF approval will not be accepted, and the funds may have to be reimbursed to UNDEF. The Implementing Agency will be held responsible for over expenditures. 3.3 Mid-term Progress Report The Mid-term Progress Report must be submitted to UNDEF no later than 13 months from the project start date (as listed on the cover page of the signed project document). The report should include detailed information on the status of project implementation, including: the activities that have been completed and those in progress, an update on funds utilized, and the achievement of project outputs, outcomes and any unforeseen changes in the project as compared with the signed project document. The report should also justify any changes made to the implementation of the project as compared with the signed project document. UNDEF will use this report to determine whether the project is making sufficient progress and to gauge whether any adjustments in scope, activities or funding are warranted. 3.4 Final Narrative Report The Implementing Agency is required to submit a Final Narrative Report one month after the completion of the project. The report must include detailed information on project implementation, describing the achievement of outputs and outcomes as agreed in the signed project document. The report should also justify any changes made to the implementation of the project as compared with the signed project document and should outline lessons learned and best practices. 3.5 Final Financial Utilization Report (with a Complete Final Project Audit Report) The Implementing Agency is required to submit a Final Financial Utilization Report (FFUR) no later than three months after the project end-date. As a first step, the Implementing Agency is required to submit an uncertified draft FFUR in Excel format for a preliminary approval by UNDEF. As a second step, a complete final project audit report certified by the independent and external auditor indicated in the project document will have to be submitted. This complete final project audit report must include a general opinion, a detailed financial assessment and the certified FFUR that has been pre-approved by UNDEF. The complete final project audit report has to be submitted to UNDEF by the Auditor directly. A submission by the Implementing Agency will not be accepted. Note: UNDEF will not accept an FFUR stamped by the auditor without a complete final project audit report as mentioned above. 3.6 End of Project Evaluation UNDEF is responsible for devising the final project evaluation modality, and will inform the Implementing Agency if a project evaluation is to be conducted. The Implementing Agency is required to take all necessary measures to facilitate evaluation as and when required by UNDEF or its designated third party. Should an evaluation be conducted, the final evaluation report may be published on the UNDEF website. 4. Project Revisions and Extensions 4.1 Project and Budget Revisions In cases where substantive revisions to a project document and/or its budget are necessary the Implementing Agency is required to contact the UNDEF Programme Officer who will then advise on the necessary procedures. A substantive revision involves a change either in the objective, outcomes or outputs of the project. Providing that the project remains relevant to the objectives of UNDEF and consistent with the project proposal, revisions can be made at any point during the project lifecycle under one of the following three circumstances: A) In response to changes in the national, regional or global context, B) To adjust the design and resource allocation to ensure the project operates effectively in a changing environment and/or C) To improve project design and/or implementation by clarifying objectives, adjusting results, indicators, assumptions and/or conditions, and adding or curtailing activities. Approved changes should be documented both in the mid-term and final narrative reports. Financial reallocations made without prior UNDEF approval will not be accepted, and the funds may have to be reimbursed to UNDEF. 4.2 Extension of Project Duration UNDEF prefers projects to be implemented in accordance with the approved timetable foreseen in the project document and will only consider "no cost" extensions in exceptional circumstances. In such cases, the Implementing Agency is required to contact the UNDEF Programme Officer no later than three months before the initially foreseen project end date. A no cost extension implies that there will be no re-allocation of funds to salaries and support costs. Under no circumstances salaries and support costs should exceed the amounts allocated in the approved project budget. Extension requests will be considered for the shortest justifiable timeframe and in no circumstances will they exceed 12 months. The Implementing Agency upon consultation with the UNDEF Programme Officer is required to submit the Project Extension Request Form, available on the UNDEF website. In addition to the extension request form, an updated Results Framework must be enclosed clearly highlighting the activities already completed at the time of the request and any activities that will be implemented during the project extension period. Upon approval of the extension request, UNDEF will advise on the reporting requirements during the extension period depending on the duration of the extension. 5. Visibility Requirements The Implementing Agency must commit to featuring UNDEF as a donor in all outreach materials including banners, signs, all written materials and publications associated with the UNDEF-funded project, as well as on the Implementing Agencys website and publications resulting from the implementation of the UNDEF project. All presentation will include the UNDEF logo. Any acknowledgment should include the words ''The United Nations Democracy Fund''. To conform to UNDEF visibility guidelines, the Implementing Agency must post an announcement on its website home page at the beginning of the project stating that the Implementing Agency has launched a new project, funded by The United Nations Democracy Fund. The announcement should include the following: - Be posted prominently on a page easy to find (such as under "Funders" or "Projects" or "Programmes") - Feature a brief summary of one or two paragraphs describing the project, not just the name of the project; - Include the UNDEF logo; - Include a photograph of a group activity, scene or scenery related to the project theme/location or for new projects that do not yet have photos of project activities, a photo of your team or of the one of the places/towns where the project will operate. ANNEX I UNDEF REPORTING TIMETABLE Where applicable, templates for the reports mentioned below are available on the UNDEF website. All reports should be sent to the relevant UNDEF Programme Officer, with a copy to  HYPERLINK "mailto:democracyfund@un.org"democracyfund@un.org. Report TitlePrepared BySubmitted By/ToDeadlineMilestone Verification ReportUNDEF-appointed monitorBy UNDEF-appointed monitor to UNDEFFollowing attendance of milestone activity Milestone Financial Utilization Report (FUR)CSO (certified by the designated external auditor)By the Auditor to UNDEFCompletion of each Milestone (#2 and #3) Mid-term Progress ReportCSOBy CSO to UNDEF 13 months after Project Start Date (PSD) (1)Final Narrative ReportCSOBy CSO to UNDEF 1 month after project end or 25 months after PSD (1)Final Financial Utilization Report (FFUR) as part of a Complete Final Project Audit ReportCSO (designated external auditor)By the Auditor to UNDEF 3 months after project end or 27 months after PSD (1)Evaluation ReportIndependent entity, or as decided by UNDEF in consultation with CSOBy Independent entity to UNDEF, or as decided by UNDEF in consultation with CSOAfter submission of Final Narrative Report The Project Start Date (PSD) is set by UNDEF according to the date of disbursement of 1st tranche of funds to the CSO and is indicated on the cover page of the finalized Project Document.      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