



Used to record information about an agenda item: the agenda document symbol, the agenda item number, etc.


0   0   Not an ITP agenda entry  
(i.e., all agenda authority records except for General Assembly, Economic and Social Council, Security Council and Trusteeship Council agendas)

1   0  General Assembly agenda

2   0  Economic and Social Council agenda

3   0  Security Council agenda

4   0  Trusteeship Council agenda


Subfields $a and $b are required for all agenda authority records.
Subfield $c is also required for all agenda authority records except for those of the Security Council.
Subfield $d is used for documents of the General Assembly, Economic and Social Council, Security Council and Trusteeship Council.

191 $a - the agenda document symbol as it is recorded in field 191 $a of the bibliographic record. For Security Council documents, the issuing body symbol S/ and session number are recorded in field 191 $a since no agenda document is issued for the Security Council.


191 0 0 $a E/CN.4/2004/1 [Document symbol of the provisional agenda for the 60th session of the Commission on Human Rights]

191 1 0 $a A/59/150 [Document symbol of the provisional agenda for the 59th session of the General Assembly]

191 1 0 $a A/59/251 [Document symbol of the final agenda for the 59th session of the General Assembly]

191 2 0 $a E/2004/100 [Document symbol of the provisional agenda for the substantive session for 2004 of the Economic and Social Council]

191 3 0 $a S/59 [59th year of the Security Council]

191 4 0 $a T/1988 [Document symbol of the provisional agenda for the 64th session of the Trusteeship Council]

191 $b - the agenda item number or sub-item designator. Sub-item designators are recorded without punctuation or spaces.

For Security Council agenda authority records, a sequential agenda item number is added between square brackets. For General Assembly and Economic and Social Council authority records, subdivided agenda item numbers may be created and added between square brackets in order to allow for more specific subjects in view of the ITP publication.

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191 0 0 $a [E/]ECE/CEP/115 $b 6gii

191 3 0 $a S/59 $b [120]

191 1 0 $a A/59/251 $b 39b[2] $d ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE—TAJIKISTAN

191 2 0 $a E/2004/100 $b 14g[10] $d RIGHT TO FOOD

191 $c - the agenda item title. The same UNBIS rules that apply to recording numerals, punctuation, capitalization and spacing in the title proper of the bibliographic record (field 245) should also be applied when recording the agenda item title in 191 $c. However, while in UNBIS practice the title proper of the bibliographic record does not end with a period, the agenda item title always ends with a period.

Subfield $c is not used for Security Council documents.


Agenda item title on document: Decisions taken by the tenth and eleventh sessions of the Committee on Sustainable Energy - Matters for consideration by the ad hoc group of experts

191 $c Decisions taken by the 10th and 11th sessions of the Committee on Sustainable Energy : matters for consideration by the ad hoc group of experts.

191 $d - the subject heading related to the agenda item title on the document. Used for the ITP publication for documents of the General Assembly, Economic and Social Council, Security Council and Trusteeship Council. The subject headings, are recorded in capital letters.

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191 1 0 $a A/59/50 $b 44 $c Global road safety crisis. $d TRAFFIC SAFETY

191 3 0 $a S/59 $b [120] $d IRAQ-KUWAIT SITUATION

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Last updated: 13 July 2009