


Indicates the relationship between the item being described and another bibliographic item, e.g. other edition(s) or language edition(s) in Dag Hammarskjöld Library's collection (DHL call number is required).

Notes about chronological relationships between serials in DHL collection are recorded in 592 (with DHL call number) and also in fields 780 and 785 (without DHL call number).


592 $a Journal also available in French: N54.

592 $a Split into: Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia: Ref 940.5(05) E132; and: Central Asia and South-Eastern Europe: Ref 940.5(05) C39.

592 $a Split into: Social profile : Aru So7, and: Economic profile: Aru Ec2.

592 $a Precedes annual: Ca Fi61. - Merger of: National income and expenditure accounts. Quarterly estimates: Ca Fi6; and: Financial flow accounts (no holdings).

592 $a Merger of: Survey of U.S. uranium exploration activity: USe En34; and: Survey of United States uranium marketing activity: USe En341.

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Last updated: 16 May 2008