


This field is used differently in retrospective indexing, Please click here if you are doing retrospective indexing.

Used by libraries other than DHL to record local information pertaining to their libraries. DHL records its local information in tag 594 and tag 596. UNOG Library records its local holdings and copy information in tag 595, and records information that is only of interest to its staff in tag 597.

[Prior to June 2007, tag 597 was used only by UNOG Library and first indicator values of tag 597 were blank.]


597 1_ $a Doc. symbol recorded in DRITS.
[identifies UNOG local source for a document symbol that is not printed on the item]

597 1_ $a Doc. symbol from UNOG Daily List.
[identifies UNOG local source for a document symbol that is not printed on the item]

597 1_ $a Requires Agdocno and Agitem 4a.
[bib. record is entered before Agenda Authority records have been created; note will be deleted by UNOG Library when Agenda Authority is added]

[a reminder to UNOG staff that item may later be available on Internet and should be checked so that 856 URL link can be added; local note will then be deleted]

597 1_ $a Series symbol requires update (French).

597 1_ $a Series symbol requires update (dates).
[reminders to UNOG staff that official French translation and meeting dates are not known at the time documents are indexed and must be added to the Series Symbol authority record when known]

597 1_ $a Indexed PDF file.
597 1_ $a Indexed Word doc.
597 1_ $a Indexed internet ed.
[The PDF, Word or electronic version of a publication from an online source is indexed instead of print format; the note is deleted if and when the print edition is received and the record updated to correspond to the print version. Do not add this note if GMD in 245$h is [electronic resource] or if a document is indexed from ODS]

Staff should periodically search by keywords "Requires", "CHECK" in Local Note field in order to update with required information (if available) and delete Local Note tag 597.


UNOG Library records the following notes in Local UNBIS Note tag 596 since they are of interest to all Libraries participating in UNBIS:

596 $a Reissued for technical reasons.
[Document is reissued with same document symbol, new job no.; new job no. is added in new 029 $ab field preceding the earlier job no.]

596 $a Imprint in French.
[Language of the imprint recorded in field 269 differs from language recorded in 008/35-37]

596 $a Job no. not printed.
[Other examples of notes about job numbers: "No job no.", "Job no. only on Russian ed.", etc.]

Maintained by the Department of Public Information (DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld Library. Comments as well as suggestions for further additions/enhancements may be directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
© United Nations 2003-2009. All rights reserved

Last updated: 29 June 2009