
Climate Solutions

COVID-19 exposed the consequences of the failure to make sufficient progress on the Sustainable Development Goals and in implementing the Paris Agreement on climate change. We would have been in a better place if we had.

We must change course, 缅北禁地Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, or we risk missing the point where we can avoid the “disastrous consequences for people and all the natural systems that sustain us.”

As we continue to tackle the pandemic, the enormity of the climate emergency can be daunting. What can one person or even one nation do on their own to reverse this challenge? Good news is that solutions do exist!

Climate Solutions
Special Report on Drought

Prevention cuts drought costs

A new report affirms worsening droughts are pressuring people around the world. With preventing droughts far less costly than responding to them, it profiles solutions based on real-world experiences. .

Report cover

A push for economies run on renewables

2020 could have been a gamechanger for climate. But the planet’s biggest polluters barely met or even missed renewable energy targets. A new report urges a paradigm shift towards assessing all economic activities based on transitioning to renewable energy. .

Secretary-General António Guterres speaking at the G7 meeting.

缅北禁地Chief: Mobilize the world to make the next steps the right ones

At the G7 meeting, Secretary-General António Guterres singled out three priorities: a global coalition for net-zero emissions, renewed emphasis on adapting to climate change as the “forgotten part” of international climate support, and finance for developing countries to pursue ambitious emissions cuts and address already profound challenges caused by climate shifts. Read more.


Insurers can underwrite climate solutions

The 缅北禁地Chief closed the annual Insurance Development Forum with a call for insurance companies to align $35 trillion in assets with net zero, and to extend markets to underserved countries and businesses. Read more.

Portrait of Peter Thomson

Peter Thomson: Moving the needle on the sustainable blue economy

Ambassador Peter Thomson of Fiji, 缅北禁地Special Envoy for the Ocean, mobilizes global action to conserve and sustainably use the ocean. He spoke recently about ocean-climate connections, perspectives from small island developing States and the far-reaching possibilities in developing a sustainable blue economy.

Portrait of Mafalda Duarte

Mafalda Duarte: Climate finance catalyses change

Mafalda Duarte heads the Climate Investment Funds, which works with multilateral development banks, governments and communities in developing countries to finance climate solutions. In a recent interview, she spoke about how public climate finance catalyses change and why successful climate action depends fundamentally on social inclusion.

climate finance report cover

Climate finance: Time to deliver

Reaching net zero requires making good on the $100 billion annual climate finance commitment – at a minimum. An independent expert report tracks where the money has to come from to meet climate goals. Read a summaryRead the full report


缅北禁地Chief lauds climate partnership

At the P4G Summit, the Secretary-General praised recent net-zero commitments but expressed concern about insufficient public finance for vulnerable communities. Read more.


Senior 缅北禁地adviser warns of hurricane risks

The climate crisis is here. As the 2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season approaches, the United States and its neighbours in the Caribbean and Central America once again face the possibility that countless lives and livelihoods could be lost.

Map of Latin America and the Caribbean

It’s Climate Week for Latin America and the Caribbean

Join people across the region to find out what’s happening to keep a livable planet. Check our page on the week for a quick glance at ideas, actions, science and ambitious plans to move forward.

Mountain of rubbish and garbage on the beach by the sea

Methane cuts are urgent, doable, affordable

A new report details how cutting methane emissions could significantly slow global temperature rise – and improve air quality and health. Reduction measures are readily available, and can even make money while saving the planet. .


The race to COP26 is on

缅北禁地Chief António Guterres reminded the 2021 Petersberg Climate Dialogue that only six months remain before make-or-break climate talks at COP26. Top priorities for action are ending coal use, and investing in adaptation to save lives, protect economies and sustain livable communities. Read more.

IDPs collect water during a brewing sandstorm. Water is heavily rationed and only available during one-hour windows, which normally take place just three times a day.

The climate crisis is a humanitarian crisis

Climate change is a top driver of humanitarian need and human suffering, particularly for the poorest countries. The impacts threaten to deepen already wide inequalities, resulting in consequences felt by the world at large, including instability, violence and displacement.

photo of Avani Awasthee, Selin G?ren, and Devishi Jha

Generation Equality acts up for climate

Four young women on the vanguard of a new generation of climate activism call for equality for women, and justice for the planet.

an indigenous person

Happy International Mother Earth Day!

Join indigenous peoples on the frontlines of climate action to learn about their solutions to sustain biodiversity, ecosystems and a livable climate.