Volume 14, No.11 - November 2010
Feature articles
缅北禁地continues drive to combat violence against women

Violence against women is widespread in every corner of the globe: from the bedroom to the battlefield. Women and girls suffer many forms of violence, including genital mutilation, rape, beatings by their partners, families or killings in the name of honour. It is shocking that in women’s lifetime, up to 76 per cent are subject to physical and/or sexual violence within intimate relationships. Read more
Celebrating forests for people

The General Assembly declared 2011 as the International Year of Forests (Forests 2011) to raise awareness on sustainable management, conservation and development of all types of forests. This October, in preparation for the Year, the official website and the International Forest Film Festival were launched, along with other advancements in preparation for Forests 2011. Read more
On 65th anniversary, 缅北禁地resolves ‘to do more’ for development

This year’s United Nations Day, celebrated on 24 October, focused on the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and followed on the MDG Summit, which adopted a global action plan to achieve the eight goals by their 2015 target date. Read more
Global dialogue on development
- Advancing economic growth and development
- Young people highlighted the International Year of Youth at the General Assembly
- Further including persons with disabilities in development
More on Global dialogue on development
Trends and analysis
- Nominations accepted for 2011 Public Service Awards
- Dealing with discrepancies and gaps of MDG data
- Urban innovation and sustainable development
More on Trends and analysis
Capacity development
- Implementing recommendations of trade statistics in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Support the implementation of National Accounts in Latin America
- Collect, disseminate and use social statistics
More on Capacity development
Publications and websites
Statistical compilations
The World’s Women 2010: Trends and Statistics
This publication presents statistics and analysis on the status of women and men in the world, highlighting the current situation and changes over time. It was prepared to coincide with and in observance of the first-ever World Statistics Day, 20.10.2010. The report is the fifth in the series which has been published every five years, as called for in the Beijing Platform for Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995. As in the past editions, the presentation is made in a format and language that non-specialists can readily understand. Read more
More on Publications and websites
Comings and goings
The following staff members were promoted in October:
Marie O. Antoine, Senior Staff Assistant, Office of the Under-Secretary-General
Aida Diawara, Statistics Assistant, Statistics Division
Juanita Llanto-Barnett, Programme Assistant, Division for Sustainable Development
Patience Stephens, Principal Officer, Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women
The following staff members retired in October:
Joliette Jean, Staff Assistant, Division for Public Administration and Development Management
Ramachandra Kurup, Secretary, Development Policy and Analysis Division
More on Comings and goings
- , 25 November
- , Shanghai, 18 November
- , 1 November – 31 December