
Mr. Wu Hongbo Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Secretary-General for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development

Closing Remarks
Regional Consultation on Financing for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have come to the conclusion of this regional consultation. Allow me to once again reiterate my gratitude to our wonderful hosts, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and the Government of Chile, for organizing this timely and very successful event.

I am very encouraged by the high level of engagement over the past two days, and by the optimism and spirit of commitment with which you approach this ambitious agenda. We have heard many thoughtful interventions and a rich diversity of voices and ideas, which we will take back to New York. They will undoubtedly inform and enrich the intergovernmental deliberations on the way to Addis Ababa.

We have heard, loud and clear, the priorities of the Latin America and Caribbean region for the financing framework for sustainable development. You have raised many issues addressing the full remit of the agenda.

I took note particularly of the call to fully address gender and inequalities in the outcome document. Your interventions have confirmed that we are indeed considering financing for sustainable development, addressing its three dimensions in a balanced manner. We must also give greater attention to the vulnerabilities of countries in your region.

There was a reiteration of the basic compact of Monterrey, that countries are responsible for their own economic and social development, but that the international community must provide support, sufficient policy space and an enabling environment. Many speakers have pointed to the continued relevance of systemic issues as an integral part of the agenda. Progress on tax cooperation, sovereign debt resolution, a fair trade regime, and the stability of the international financial system all are critical to the countries of the region.

These inputs are very valuable, and will contribute to a more comprehensive outcome in Addis that will be relevant to all countries and all regions, and particularly for the middle-income countries.

I trust that the high level of engagement that you have shown over the last two days will continue in the months ahead, in Addis itself and in the follow-up process. And I count on your continued support to ensure that your region is represented at the highest possible political level, with the participation of ministers of finance and economic development, at the Addis Ababa Conference.

I look forward to continuing this dialogue, and thank you for your commitment to making Addis a success.

Thank you.
