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Press Release

Transcript of Press Conference by Secretary-General and High Commissioner for Human Rights on opening of day of Durban Review Conference, 20 April 2009

Statement by 缅北禁地High Commissioner for Human Rights on speech by President of Iran at Durban Review Conference

20 April 2009

The following comments may be ascribed to 缅北禁地High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay:

"I utterly deplore the speech of the President of Iran delivered this afternoon at the Durban Review Conference against racism.

I condemn the use of a 缅北禁地forum for political grandstanding. I find this totally objectionable.

Much of his speech was clearly beyond the scope of the Conference. It also clearly went against the long-standing 缅北禁地position adopted by the General Assembly with respect to equating Zionism with racism.

The best riposte for this type of event is to reply and correct, not to withdraw and boycott the Conference."

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