
Rules of procedure

II. Agenda

Regular Sessions

Provisional agenda: Rule 12 | Provisional agenda: Rule 13 | Supplementary items: Rule 14 | Additional items: Rule 15

Special Sessions

Provisional agenda: Rule 16 | Provisional agenda: Rule 17 | Supplementary items: Rule 18 | Additional items: Rule 19

Regular and Special Sessions

Explanatory memorandum: Rule 20 | Adoption of the agenda: Rule 21 | Amendment and deletion of items: Rule 22 | Debate on inclusion of items: Rule 23 | Modification of the allocation of expenses: Rule 24


Regular Sessions

Provisional agenda

Rule 12 PDF

The provisional agenda for a regular session shall be drawn up by the Secretary-General and communicated to the Members of the United Nations at least sixty days before the opening of the session.

Rule 13 PDF

The provisional agenda of a regular session shall include:

Supplementary items

Rule 14 PDF

Any Member or principal organ of the United Nations or the Secretary-General may, at least thirty days before the date fixed for the opening of a regular session, request the inclusion of supplementary items in the agenda. Such items shall be placed on a supplementary list, which shall be communicated to Members at least twenty days before the opening of the session.

Additional items

Rule 15 PDF

Additional items of an important and urgent character, proposed for inclusion in the agenda less than thirty days before the opening of a regular session or during a regular session, may be placed on the agenda if the General Assembly so decides by a majority of the members present and voting. No additional item may, unless the General Assembly decides otherwise by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, be considered until seven days have elapsed since it was placed on the agenda and until a committee has reported upon the question concerned. [See introduction paras. 11 and 29 PDF]


Special Sessions

Provisional agenda

Rule 16 PDF

The provisional agenda of a special session convened at the request of the Security Council shall be communicated to the Members of the United Nations at least fourteen days before the opening of the session. The provisional agenda of a special session convened at the request of a majority of the Members, or upon the concurrence of a majority in the request of any Member, shall be communicated at least ten days before the opening of the session. The provisional agenda of an emergency special session shall be communicated to Members simultaneously with the communication convening the session. [See introduction, para. 13 PDF]

Rule 17 PDF

The provisional agenda for a special session shall consist only of those items proposed for consideration in the request for the holding of the session.

Supplementary items

Rule 18 PDF

Any Member or principal organ of the United Nations or the Secretary-General may, at least four days before the date fixed for the opening of a special session, request the inclusion of supplementary items in the agenda. Such items shall be placed on a supplementary list, which shall be communicated to Members as soon as possible.

Additional items

Rule 19 PDF

During a special session, items on the supplementary list and additional items may be added to the agenda by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting. During an emergency special session, additional items concerning the matters dealt with in may be added to the agenda by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting. [See introduction para. 13 PDF]


Regular and Special Sessions

Explanatory memorandum

Rule 20 PDF

Any item proposed for inclusion in the agenda shall be accompanied by an explanatory memorandum and, if possible, by basic documents or by a draft resolution. [See introduction para. 11 PDF]

Adoption of the agenda

Rule 21 PDF

At each session the provisional agenda and the supplementary list, together with the report of the General Committee thereon, shall be submitted to the General Assembly for approval as soon as possible after the opening of the session.

Amendment and deletion of items

Rule 22 PDF

Items on the agenda may be amended or deleted by the General Assembly by a majority of the members present and voting. [See introduction para. 11 PDF]

Debate on inclusion of items

Rule 23 PDF

Debate on the inclusion of an item in the agenda, when that item has been recommended for inclusion by the General Committee, shall be limited to three speakers in favour of, and three against, the inclusion. The President may limit the time to be allowed to speakers under this rule. [See introduction para. 11 PDF]

Modification of the allocation of expenses

Rule 24 PDF

No proposal for a modification of the allocation of expenses for the time being in force shall be placed on the agenda unless it has been communicated to the Members of the United Nations at least ninety days before the opening of the session.


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