
General Assembly of the United Nations
Economic and Financial - Second Committee

Second Committee

Side events


Date / Time Event

Tuesday, 3 PM
11 October 2011

Alternative development strategies for job creation
[Concept note]

Tuesday, 3 PM
18 October 2011

People's empowerment: a peace model
[Concept note]

Friday, 10 AM
21 October 2011

Follow-up to the LDC IV Conference: integrating its provisions into national plans and policies [Concept note]

Tuesday, 3 PM
25 October 2011

Means of implementation for sustainable development
[Concept note]

Wednesday, 10 AM
2 November 2011

Food and energy security and energy efficiency
[Concept note]

Thursday, 10 AM
10 November 2011
Financing for Development: Donor accountability in increasing international financial and technical cooperation for development  [Concept note]


[8 November 2011]

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