
Remember the Fallen

Ethiopian Airlines Crash, 10 March 2019

Anne-Katrin Feigl, Junior Professional Officer, IOM

Anne-Katrin Feigl

Anne-Katrin Feigl, a German national, was a Junior Professional Officer (funded by the German Government) in since October 2017. She was an extremely valued colleague and popular staff member.  She was very committed and professional, she worked hard and Anne was a pleasure to work with and so well liked in the mission, hers was a positive personality. A colleague said “she was always bringing happiness to us”. 

She was a member of the Migration Management and Development Unit (MMDU). Her formal job title in IOM was Counter Trafficking and Research Specialist, but in reality her tasks were much broader - she was responsible for the implementation of Migrant Protection Activities (MPA) to support vulnerable migrants in Sudan. Her particular responsibility was the expansion of MPA activities outside Khartoum. She was also temporarily responsible for overseeing all of IOM Sudan’s MPA work until the arrival of a senior staff member.

Anne oversaw the work of a large team and she worked hard to open IOM’s first Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) outside Khartoum in Gedaref State, in the east of Sudan. This was the culmination of over a year’s work. The success of the opening of the centre was, in part, due to her diligence and the support she gave to the team. 

The staff of IOM Sudan and colleagues, who knew and worked with her will miss her greatly, but are grateful to have known Anne. Her humanity in her work remains a legacy for us all.

Biographical information and photo provided by IOM.