Voluntary GCM Reviews
Here you can find the Member States' submitted reports, the indicative template for Member States to review the status of implementation of the GCM, and the IMRF Roadmap. Please click on the respective tabs below to view.
Find here the indicative template for Member States to review the status of implementation of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) at national level, in preparing for the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF).
- Note on the implementation, follow-up and review of the GCM (including annexes); and
Annex in English - Nota relativa a la aplicación, el seguimiento y el examen del Pacto Mundial para la Migración Segura, Ordenada y Regular (Pacto Mundial para la Migración)
- Note sur la mise en ?uvre, le suivi et l’examen du Pacte mondial pour des migrations s?res, ordonnées et régulières
The International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) Roadmap is available in English, Spanish and French:
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