
Guyana (on behalf of the Group of 77 and China)

His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali

Statement Summary

MOHAMED IRFAAN ALI, President of Guyana, speaking on behalf of the “Group of 77” developing countries and China, called on Member States to recommit to the aspirations of the United Nations to ensure that the dignity and worth of every person is respected.  “We must send a strong and positive signal to the people of the world of our commitment to multilateralism and our resolve to strive for peace, justice and development,” he said.

Seventy?five years after the founding of the United Nations millions of people remain in poverty, he noted, adding that eradicating poverty is the Group’s priority.  Poverty affects many aspects of life and impedes the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals.  The 2030 Agenda outlines how global challenges disproportionately affect the poor, he said, adding that the ongoing COVID?19 pandemic has undermined development gains made over the past years.  The pandemic highlights development bottlenecks faced by developing countries, ranging from insufficient financing and high debt to restrictions in accessing medical supplies.

The Group reaffirms that the imposition of unilateral economic measures against developing countries is an impediment to economic and social development and to dialogue and understanding among countries.  “We must do everything we can to fulfil our obligations to the peoples of this world,” he said, calling for the timely mobilization of resources and actions to accelerate implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Speaking in his national capacity, he said the United Nations is an unrivalled force for good.  The Organization has transformed the livelihood of countless people around the world and nurtured peaceful coexistence.  He closed renewing Guyana’s pledge to work with the United Nations in efforts to transform the world to foster the future the world wants.


