

H.E. Ms. Sophia Tesfamariam

Statement Summary

SOPHIA TESFAMARIAM (Eritrea) said that unfortunately, not all States have enjoyed the rights and privileges envisioned in the Charter. Eritrea, which joined the United Nations in 1993, spent the better part of the past 75 years appealing to the Organization for justice and respect for its Charter-enshrined rights. The lives and opportunities lost in Eritrea’s quest for peace are incalculable. All States must work together and redouble their efforts to mitigate the setbacks caused by COVID?19 and to fully realize the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. She went on to say that, 25 years after the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, women still bear the brunt of most calamities “and with COVID?19, it is no different”.


