Photo credit: 缅北禁地DESA and ITAIPU Binacional

The Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Network

The Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Network works towards the vision of a world where there is an equitable and sustainable use and management of water and energy resources for all, in support of human well-being, ecosystem integrity and a robust, inclusive economy under the umbrella of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The goal of this multi-stakeholder Network is to provide a global platform for all stakeholders to enhance capacities and signal their high-level commitment to the integrated approach to SDG6 and SDG7 in supporting the achievement of the SDGs. More specifically the objectives are:


  • Sharing best practices, experiences and quality data on the water-energy interlinkages and their contributions to other SDGs. 


  • Strengthening capacity building with a focus on the planning, designing, implementing and monitoring of policies, regulations, business models and investment to effectively manage the water-energy interlinkages and their implications on other SDGs. 


  • Mobilizing and scaling up multi-stakeholder action aimed at stimulating integrated water-energy response addressing cross-sectional barriers in other development sectors. 


  • Enhancing advocacy, communications and outreach to help countries conduct evidence-based dialogues and facilitate broad-based implementation of SDG 6 and SDG7.