

David Shearer

Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général au Soudan du Sud et
Chef de la Mission des Nations Unies au Soudan du Sud

(en anglais)

Faites connaissance avec David Shearer parlant de son passé politique et humanitaire, de son r?le en tant que Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général pour le Soudan du Sud et du mandat de la MINUSS, l'opération de maintien de la paix qu'il dirige sur le terrain.

Veuiller lire l'annonce de David Shearer pour plus d'informations sur son parcours et son experience avant de rejoindre la MINUSS.



The Security Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan?(UNMISS) until 15?March?2020, demanding that parties end the fighting and signaling its intention to consider all measures, including an arms embargo, against those obstructing peace in the war-torn nation.

Unanimously adopting resolution?2406?(2018) under the United Nations Charter’s Chapter?VII, the Council maintained overall UNMISS force levels at the troop ceiling of?17,000 — which includes a Regional Protection Force of up to 4,000?troops — and the police ceiling of 2,101?personnel.

By other terms, the Council demanded that South Sudan’s leaders implement the permanent ceasefire declared in the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan, and other ceasefires for which they respectively called on 11?July?2016 and?22?May?2017.

To support the peace process, UNMISS would use its good offices and participate in the Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring Mechanism, with its Regional Protection Force authorized to use robust action to facilitate safe and free movement around Juba.? More broadly, UNMISS would work to protect civilians, create conditions conducive to aid delivery and both monitor and investigate human rights abuses.

The SRSG in South Sudan David Shearer leads a team to push for peace in Yei.  Photo by UN/UNMISS

David Shearer lors d’une visite à Yei, Soudan du sud.


David Shearer lors d’une visite à Renk, Soudan du sud.


David Shearer, Représentante spéciale, Soudan du sud.