
Abolition of post

Showing 71 - 80 of 199

The Applicant addressed a letter dated 29 May 2009 to the Secretary-General requesting him to “reverse that decision” but no mention was made of the non-renewal of the Applicant’s contract because it was only on 30 June 2009 that the Applicant was informed that his contract would not be renewed beyond 30 September 2009. The Applicant sought to establish that he had in fact requested a review of the decision and referred to an email he had sent to the Registrar of the ICTR in which he informed him that he was contesting the decision not to renew his contract. That email was dated 27 April 2009...

UNDT/2009/083, Bye

In the present case, the Administration must be deemed to have made good faith efforts to identify a position for the Applicant, for it actually offered him an adequate position. For a position to be considered adequate, it is not sufficient that it is at the same level than the previous position of the concerned staff member. It is also required that it be in line with his/her skills, qualifications and experience. Anyone alleging that a given decision was based on improper motivation bears the burden of proof. Outcome: The application was rejected. UNADT Judgment No. 910 (1998)

UNDT/2009/078, Koh

UNDP had an obligation to its staff to make it clear that the time frame for making applications for ad hoc posts might be less than the two weeks period mandated for QUARRY positions. The respondent, by virtue of the settlement agreement, was obliged to comply, amongst other things, with the Guidelines for the Recruitment and Selection of UNDP Staff, especially since they dealt with the subject of the agreement, namely support for the applicant’s attempts to obtain another post. Where there was a particular duty to inform imposed by the settlement agreement and the failure to inform...

1998 reclassification: The issue of the 1998 reclassification exercise is long out of time and no circumstances justify the review of it now. 2005 reclassification: Examining the 2005 reclassification exercise is moot as the post was abolished and the applicant did not challenge the abolition. Withdrawal of SPA: In relation to the period for which the applicant’s SPA was withdrawn, it would be reasonable to expect a notation of a change in functions in the e-PAS records as there was a crossover between two cycles. However, there was none and the SPA should thus be retroactively paid...

In general, there is no right to renewal of appointment for staff members serving on a temporary appointment. In the case at hand, no improper motives neither countervailing circumstances existed which may have tainted the contested decision with illegality. The reasons for that decision - no budgeted or approved posts of Language Assistant, Interpreter or Translator at his level in UNAMI, abolislnnent of the post - are acceptable. Although the Organization was not obliged to find alternative employment for the applicant as a staff member holding a temporary appointment, a bona fide effort was...

The Administration’s decision not to renew the Applicant’s fixed-term appointment beyond September 30 2009 was not informed by improper motive, arbitrariness or other extraneous factors. The Applicant, in merely settling into his reassignment to clerical duties in JRAU, not only deluded himself as to the security of his employment with the ICTR but was utterly unreasonable and careless regarding his own career prospects and must bear the blame for the fall-outs of his reassignment. The ICTR Administration made sufficient effort in the spirit of the Performance Appraisal System to improve the...

The respondent submitted documentary evidence showing that the applicant’s post had been created, and the applicant recruited, specifically for the purpose of prosecuting the above-mentioned top Serbian leader. Accordingly, the Tribunal concluded that the decision to abolish the applicant’s post and to terminate his fixed-term appointment had been taken in view of the necessities of service and constituted a proper exercise of the respondent’s discretionary authority. Since it was established that the necessities of service justified the termination of the applicant’s appointment, it was not...

Harassment allegations: People are entitled to their opinions, even unflattering or wrong-headed, about colleagues. It is only when those opinions are conveyed in ways that constitute harassment or abuse that they become problematical in a legal sense. A genuine opinion about a colleague’s competence that happens to be adverse is not susceptible of criticism. While not placing the delays of the applicant in making complaints about the matters to which he has referred on the scales against him, those delays have made it much more difficult for him to prove they occurred quite as he alleges...

Abolished posts: The onus is on the Respondent to show that the Organization acted correctly towards the Applicant as a permanent appointee on an abolished post and to demonstrate what good faith steps it took, in accordance with its legal and policy obligations, to assist her with finding alternative employment.Manifest abuse of process: A withdrawal of an admission of liability upon which the parties have relied may result in a finding of manifest abuse of process warranting award of costs.Outcome: Relied ordered: (i) 9 months’ net base salary (breach of rights and loss of chance of...