Disciplinary matters / misconduct
Assault (verbal and physical)
Due process
Separation from service
Termination of appointment (see also, Termination of appointment)
Standard of review (judicial)
Disciplinary cases
Termination (of appointment)
Disciplinary sanction
Discretionary authority
As a preliminary matter, UNAT held that an oral hearing was not necessary and would not assist in the expeditious and fair disposal of the case as the Appellant had not provided grounds for an oral hearing beyond seeking to confront the witnesses and comment on existing evidence. Whilst UNAT held that the Appellant failed to identify any errors of law or fact by UNRWA DT as required under Art 2(1) UNAT Statute, UNAT did go on to consider his appeal as he was not represented. UNAT held that UNRWA DT had correctly applied the standard of review for disciplinary cases and that UNRWA DT’s exercise...