Burden of proof
Evidence of harm
In-lieu compensation
Non-pecuniary (moral) damages
Jurisdiction / receivability (UNAT)
Procedure (first instance and UNAT)
Oral hearings
The UNAT considered an appeal by the staff member.
The UNAT found that the staff member did not cite any provision of Article 2(1) of the UNAT Statute and did not indicate whether any errors by the UNRWA DT in his case related to its jurisdiction, the procedure, a question of law or a question of fact. The UNAT held that the appeal was defective and consequently not receivable.
The UNAT, nevertheless, reiterated its jurisprudence on some of the issues raised, and agreed with the way the UNRWA DT had determined the amount of in-lieu compensation. The UNAT also agreed with the UNRWA DT鈥檚...