2011-UNAT-112, Abbasi
UNAT considered an appeal by the Secretary-General. UNAT held that no gender discrimination took place against Ms Abbasi. UNAT held that UNDT erred in finding that there was gender discrimination against her. UNAT held that the Administration applied UNICEF’s Gender Parity and Equality Policy in Ms Abbasi’s favour. UNAT did not find any violation of the right to be equally considered – or even favoured for reasons of gender – in the evaluation criteria applied or in the decisions taken by UNICEF during the selection process. UNAT upheld the appeal and vacated the UNDT judgment.
Ms Abbasi contested her non-selection for three positions. UNDT found she suffered from gender discrimination and awarded compensation.
A decision not to select a staff member may be rescinded in circumstances where he or she did not receive fair and adequate consideration, there has been any kind of discrimination or bias against the staff member, or the proper staff selection procedures were not followed.