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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows to least developed countries have been declining since 2015, reaching only 1.4% of global FDI in 2019. The pandemic further accelerated this decline. Moreover, FDI in the LDCs remains concentrated in certain countries or extractive industries and does not support the growth of more dynamic and resilient economies for the category. Through the DPoA, Member States request the 缅北禁地Secretary General to explore the feasibility of establishing an international investment support centre for least developed countries and graduated countries: a one-stop shop to mobilize support for implementation of the investment promotion regime and help them to overcome the stagnant investment flows and diminishing productivity growth faced by many LDCs.
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- By unlocking opportunities for integrating local private sector capital with global businesses through leveraging the strengths of the LDCs such as the ‘youth bulge’ and demographic dividend and comparative advantages in labour.
- By providing financial and technical support for project preparation and contract negotiation.
- By providing advisory support for investment-related dispute resolution; access to information on investment facilities; improving enabling environments; and risk insurance and guarantees such as through the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.

Attracting additional capital flows bolsters economic growth, industry and infrastructure development, increase human capacities, address capability constraints, and creates more resilience in the LDCs. These transformational effects may have positive impacts in multiple areas, including in the reduction of poverty, improvement of the quality and provision of public services, creation of wider-ranging and more sustainable solutions, and in the reduction of global inequalities by bridging the great finance divide globally and between developing countries. This centre will work with governments, businesses, and other stakeholders to identify and support development projects that align with the LDCs’ sustainable development goals.