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- Support for LDC participation in international forums
- Diplomatic training
Diplomatic training
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Several initiatives are in place to support capacity-building in negotiation and other diplomatic skills in LDCs:
- UNITAR has fellowships for nationals of LDCs to participate in its and core diplomatic training courses, and has special thematic courses and toolkits for LDCs;
- The (SIDS/LDCs Trust Fund) provides funding for training courses and capacity-building activities on the international human rights system, international human rights law and the rules and functioning of the Human Rights Council and its mechanisms; fellowships for 3-month work placements relating to the work of the HRC; and induction sessions and practical training for government officials of LDCs and SIDS, as well as support for travel to the sessions of the HRC.
- The LDCF (Least Developed Countries Fund; climate change) has funded programmes to build capacity of LDCs to participate effectively in climate change processes, including training of senior government officials, development of negotiation strategies and knowledge products (see, for example, (PDF), 2018). The LDC Group maintains a list of resources for LDC climate change negotiators.
- The supports the LDC Group with on-demand legal, strategic and technical advice in climate negotiations.
- The provides LDCs and SIDS with diplomatic, legal, technical and advisory services from think tanks, associations of member states and others, to help identify priorities, develop engagement strategies and strengthen coordination in preparation for global climate negotiations. It also supports them to enhance their understanding of climate issues and strengthen their readiness to work on implementing their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
- For information on technical assistance and capacity building related to trade negotiations and the WTO, see Trade-related technical assistance and capacity-building | LDC Portal - International Support Measures for Least Developed Countries.