

ECOSOC has recommended deferral of Angola's graduation and extension of the preparatory period for Solomon Islands


7 June 2023.? The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has recommended that the General Assembly defer the graduation of Angola, currently scheduled for February 2023. Consultations are ongoing under the CDP's Enhanced Monitoring Mechanism.? The CDP is to report back to ECOSOC on the outcome of the consultations. If the General Assembly defers Angola's graduation, the issue would be addressed by ECOSOC?in 2024. Angola does not currently meet the graduation criteria.?

ECOSOC Youth Forum side-event: Generation Connect - Youth Leading Digital Transformation in LDCs, ITU

25 April 2023.?Building on Generation Connect’s recent participation in the LDC5 Youth Forum and Youth Track in Qatar, this session aims to highlight role of young people at the forefront of SDG implementation and digital transformation in LDCs. Our objective is to foster intergenerational discussion on the following questions: How can we ensure meaningful connectivity for youth so that they can have real opportunities to lead and share our shared digital future? What does an enabling digital environment for youth in LDCs to thrive and prosper look like?


Special High-Level Event of the General Assembly and ECOSOC: Doha Programme of Action as an accelerator of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda


Presentation of CDP Report at ECOSOC High-level Segment


On 16 July 2021, Jose Antonio Ocampo , Chair of the Committee for Development Policy (CDP) introduced the Committee's report to the High-Level Segment of ECOSOC. He stressed the importance of universal vaccination, increased financial support and debt relief to developing countries, structural transformation and a new, supportive, multilateralism to secure a sustainable, equitable and resilient recovery from COVID-19.