
Amany Asfour

Dr. Amany Asfour is an accomplished medical professional and entrepreneur who has dedicated her career to empowering women and promoting economic development in Africa. She obtained her Master's and M.D. degrees in Pediatrics at the National Research Center of Egypt after graduating from the Faculty of Medicine at Cairo University.

Dr. Asfour's interest in the private sector began early in her career when she established her own company for Health Care Management and Medical Equipment, which now boasts over 30 brands. Her entrepreneurial spirit drove her to establish several organizations that advocate for women's economic empowerment. In 1995, she founded the Egyptian Business Women Association with the aim of promoting young women entrepreneurs and providing guidance to women business owners of small and medium-sized enterprises. She also founded the Federation of Business and Professional Women BPW-Egypt, which focuses on capacity building, human resource development, and promoting equal opportunities for girls and women in education and training.

Dr. Asfour's passion for empowering women extends beyond Egypt's borders. She founded the African Alliance for Women Empowerment (AFRAWE), an organization with focal points all over Africa that aims to empower women entrepreneurs and owners of small and medium-sized enterprises by establishing projects and marketing their products. Dr. Asfour is also the founder and Chair of the African Congress for Women Entrepreneurs and the current President of the Africa Business Council, an organization established to promote intra-Africa trade and the implementation of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area.

Dr. Asfour's commitment to promoting science and technology for development led her to become the Secretary General of the African Society for Scientific Research and Technology. Her focus is on accelerating industrialization in Africa through technology and scientific research, promoting women in science and technology, and transferring technology to women in business, particularly in the agriculture and agribusiness sectors.

Dr. Asfour's many achievements have been recognized with numerous awards from Egypt, Africa, the Arab world, the Islamic world, and around the world. Her outstanding contributions to women's economic empowerment, scientific research, and technology have made her a role model for women entrepreneurs and leaders in Africa and beyond.