Sri Lanka October 2018 Lessons Learned - PBF Secretariat and Technical Assistance (Two Projects) English 语言 Undefined
Somalia October 2018 Project Evaluation - Service Delivery, Risk Management and Priority Plan (Three Projects) English 语言 Undefined
Somalia November 2018 Project Evaluation - Strengthening women's role and participation in peacebuilding - English 语言 Undefined
Somalia 2018 Project Evaluation (Mid-term) Midnimo Project to Maximize Peacebuilding Impact - English 语言 Undefined
Sierra Leone September 2018 Project Evaluation (Mid-term) Conflict Prevention and Mitigation during the Electoral Cycle in Sierra Leone - English 语言 Undefined
Mali July 2018 Project Evaluation - Amelioration de I'acces des femmes victimes de violences sexuelles - French 语言 Undefined
Mali 2018 Project Evaluation - Appui au renforcement de resilience aux conflits des femmes at des jeunes - French 语言 Undefined
Liberia November 2018 Project Evaluation - Strengthening Women's Rights and Participation in Peacebuilding - English 语言 Undefined