Released: April 2019

Country: Canada

Director: Claude Guilmain

Producers: Denis McCready, Dominic Desjardins, Dominique Desjardins


“Sur la corde raide” is a documentary film examining Canada’s refusal to intervene in the 2003?Iraq?War. The film shines a light on the political games played between governments, analyzed by the actors of the era and analysts today. This historic decision had great consequences for Canada, and the documentary testifies to the price which comes when diplomacy fails to settle conflict around the world.

CCOI’s Role:

CCOI worked with the producer and various 缅北禁地offices to secure key venues of the 缅北禁地Headquarters for filming. The scenes filmed at the 缅北禁地feature a series of interviews with Mr. Paul Heinbecker, former Permanent Representative of Canada to the UN, who played a vital role in shaping Canada’s decision not to participate in the Iraq War. During the filming, Mr. Heinbecker was able to recreate his actual speech on the Responsibility to Protect delivered to the Security Council back in 2003.


Security Council Chamber, General Assembly Hall

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, International Peace and Security?