In 2019, the 缅北禁地Secretary General announced the Decade of Action to discover sustainable solutions to the world’s biggest challenges. The 缅北禁地Food Systems Summit and the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit are working collaboratively to advance solutions across systems with a mutual recognition that malnutrition in all its forms is one of the biggest challenges we face to ensuring optimal health, resilience, and prosperity for all. To further highlight nutrition relevant moments, a “Nutrition for Growth Year of Action” was launched in December 2020.

The Food Systems Summit will highlight new actions to accelerate food systems transformation, inter alia, to improve nutrition and enable healthy diets from sustainable, resilient food systems. The Tokyo N4G Summit, under the leadership of the Government of Japan, will highlight actions to address drivers of malnutrition spanning health, food, and social protection systems. Building on previous N4G summits, it will also continue to strengthen a culture of accountability for commitments made to ensure action translates to impact.


Read the full joint statement .