Academic institutions and the evidence-based research they produce play an important role in supporting the work of the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee and its Executive Directorate (CTED). To exchange information about recent research and emerging issues, CTED organised an in-person gathering of its Global Research Network (GRN) on the margins of the seventy-eight United Nations General Assembly (#UNGA78) High-Level Week. Held at CTED’s offices in New York on 21 September 2023, the meeting included 15 GRN members representing 12 organisations.
On 17 October 2023, the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) held an insight briefing titled “Artificial intelligence and the potential risks and opportunities in the context of terrorism and counter-terrorism”. At the briefing, representatives of the technology sector shared their perspectives on some of the challenges and opportunities related to terrorist misuse of information and communications technologies (ICT), including of artificial intelligence (AI) specifically.
Какие международные рамки позволяют установить, являются ли акты террористическими или нет?
С 1963?года международным сообществом принято 19 международно-правовых документов по борьбе с терроризмом (конвенций и протоколов), во многих из которых определяются акты терроризма:
Academic institutions and the evidence-based research they produce play an important role in supporting the work of the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee and its Executive Directorate (CTED). To exchange information about recent research and emerging issues, CTED organised an in-person gathering of its Global Research Network (GRN) on the margins of the seventy-eight United Nations General Assembly (#UNGA78) High-Level Week. Held at CTED’s offices in New York on 21 September 2023, the meeting included 15 GRN members representing 12 organisations.
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Border control is the last line of defence against the illegal cross-border movement of terrorists, including foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs). To effectively screen travellers prior to departure and arrival, but also at ports of entry, a combination of several mechanisms needs to be in place, depending on whether the border is an air, maritime, or land border.