Today, the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) published a brief overview of the Counter-Terrorism Committee and CTED’s work and activities in 2020.
? To support 缅北禁地capacity-building activities, CTED shared all prioritized technical assistance needs from 2016 to 2020.
? Here is more information about CTED’s first visit to the Republic of Equatorial Guinea on behalf of the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC).
? Here is more information about Finland’s briefing to the CTC about steps it has taken in implementing the CTC’s visit recommendations.
The Counter-Terrorism Committee held six open briefings this year:
? “Countering terrorist narratives and preventing the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes”
Webcast: .
? “Technical Guide to the implementation of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) and other relevant resolutions”
CTED’s Technical Guide to the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) and other resolutions also serves as a useful reference for Member States in their implementation efforts.
? “Emerging trends in violent extremism conducive to terrorism and addressing violent extremism through a human rights-based approach”
Webcast: .
? “The role of judges, prosecutors and defence counsel in bringing terrorists to justice, including the effective use of battlefield or military-collected evidence”
Webcast: .
? “Terrorist threats to civil aviation, the status of implementation of Security Council resolution 2309 (2016), and follow-up to the civil aviation-related provisions of Council resolution 2396 (2017)”
Webcast: .
? “The threat of terrorism in Latin America and the Caribbean”
Webcast: .
Here are some of the assessment components of UNOCT capacity-building projects led by CTED:
? Sierra Leone and The Gambia.
? Maldives.
Here are links to most of CTED’s publications this year:
? CTED Analytical Brief: The repatriation of ISIL-associated children in Arabic.
? CTED Analytical Brief: The repatriation of ISIL-associated women in Arabic.
? CTED Analytical Brief: Countering terrorist narratives online and offline.
? CTED Analytical Brief: The prosecution of ISIL-associated women.
? CTED Analytical Brief: The prosecution of ISIL-associated women in Russian.
Here are some of the documents that were issued as Security Council documents this year:
? Joint report of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate and the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team pursuant to resolutions 1526 (2004) and 2253 (2015) concerning Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) (Da’esh), Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities on actions taken by Member States to disrupt terrorist financing, prepared pursuant to paragraph 37 of Security Council resolution 2462 (2019).
? Framework document for Counter-Terrorism Committee visits to Member States aimed at monitoring, promoting and facilitating the implementation of Security Council resolutions 1373 (2001), 1624 (2005), 2178 (2014), 2396 (2017), 2462 (2019) and 2482 (2019) and other relevant Council resolutions.
Here are some of CTED’s new products this year:
? CTED Trends Tracker: The 5th anniversary of the adoption of SCR 2242 (2015).
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