
The Hague

15 May 2023

Secretary-General's video message to the Fifth Special Session of the States Parties to Review the Operation of the Chemical Weapons Convention

António Guterres, Secretary-General

The video will be shown in the King Willem Alexander Theatre in the World Forum in The Hague, on 15 May.

Watch the video:

Chemical weapons are an abomination.

They have no place in our world.

Their use anywhere, by anyone, for any reason is unacceptable.

That’s why the Chemical Weapons Convention is so important.

Over three decades ago, this milestone of disarmament was the result of the world standing as one — and speaking as one — to express humanity’s horror at the use of chemical weapons.

Since then, the Convention has helped create a safer world for all of us.

But the use of chemical weapons has persisted.

Each use threatens to reverse our hard-won gains.

We cannot go backwards.

We must make every effort to eliminate these senseless weapons of terror.

In the name of the victims of these attacks — and as a deterrent to future chemical warfare — those responsible for any use must be identified and held accountable for their crimes.

As you begin this Review Conference, I urge you to renew and strengthen your commitment to the Chemical Weapons Convention.

And I express my full support for the integrity, professionalism, impartiality, objectivity, and independence of the Technical Secretariat of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons as it carries out its vital work.ÌýÌý

Let’s revive the spirit that led to the Convention’s creation three decades ago.

Let’s rally the world behind our goal of a safer, more secure world for all.ÌýÌý

A world without chemical weapons.
