
Cairo, Egypt

04 November 2024

Secretary-General's video message to the World Urban Forum [scroll down for Arabic version]

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I am pleased to take part in the World Urban Forum.

It is fitting that you are gathering in Cairo 鈥 an enormously vibrant megacity and a magnet for innovation and creativity for over a thousand years.

I thank the Government of Egypt for hosting the 12th Forum.

Dear Friends,

You represent urban areas which are home to more than half of humanity.听

You are on the frontlines of shaping a more inclusive, connected and resilient world.听听

And you are at the heart of where lasting change happens.听

As your theme rightly puts it: 鈥淚t all starts at home鈥.

Real progress begins at the local level.

On the ground.

In communities and people鈥檚 lives.

World leaders have just adopted the Pact for the Future.

It is an important new tool to advance our vital work, accelerate the SDGs, and address inequalities.

It calls for ensuring adequate, safe and affordable housing for all -- and supporting developing countries to plan and implement just, safe, healthy, accessible, resilient and sustainable cities.听

We need this more than ever.

Cities generate 70 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions. And municipal waste is set to rise by two-thirds within a generation.

Not only are cities powerful engines of social and economic development, they are also catalysts of sustainable solutions.听

I see local and regional authorities as a crucial part of the answer on so many issues and at every level, including at the United Nations.

We can all benefit from your insights and ideas.听

That鈥檚 why I created the 缅北禁地Advisory Group on Local and Regional Governments.

I know over the next five days this Forum will have the chance to delve into the complexities and opportunities of sustainable urban development.

I invite you to seek innovations and inspiration and take them back to your communities.听听

And to help develop infrastructure and public services for all, including women and girls.

Local actions are the building blocks for future green, just and resilient cities.

Together, let鈥檚 make sustainable urbanization a reality.

And let鈥檚 ensure that no one and nowhere is left behind.

Thank you.

賷爻毓丿賳賷 兀賳 兀卮丕乇賰 賮賷 丕賱賲賳鬲丿賶 丕賱丨囟乇賷 丕賱毓丕賱賲賷.
听听听听听听听听 廿賳賴 賱賲賽賳 丕賱賲賱丕卅賲 兀賳 鬲噩鬲賲毓賵丕 賮賷 丕賱賯丕賴乇丞 - 賴匕賴 丕賱賲丿賷賳丞 丕賱囟禺賲丞 丕賱賳丕亘囟丞 亘丕賱丨賷丕丞 賵丕賱賲爻鬲賯胤亘丞 賱賱丕亘鬲賰丕乇 賵丕賱廿亘丿丕毓 毓賱賶 賲丿賶 兀賰孬乇 賲賳 兀賱賮 毓丕賲.
听听听听听听听听 兀卮賰乇 丨賰賵賲丞 賲氐乇 毓賱賶 丕爻鬲囟丕賮鬲賴丕 賱賱賲賳鬲丿賶 丕賱孬丕賳賷 毓卮乇.
听听听听听听听听 兀賷賴丕 丕賱兀氐丿賯丕亍 丕賱兀毓夭丕亍貙
听听听听听听听听 兀賳鬲賲 鬲賲孬賱賵賳 丕賱賲賳丕胤賯 丕賱丨囟乇賷丞 丕賱鬲賷 鬲爻賰賳賴丕 兀賰孬乇 賲賳 賳氐賮 丕賱亘卮乇賷丞.
听听听听听听听听 賲丕 賷毓賳賷 兀賳賰賲 賮賷 胤賱賷毓丞 賲賻賳 賷乇爻賲賵賳 賲賱丕賲丨 毓丕賱賲 兀賰孬乇 卮賲賵賱丕賸 賵鬲乇丕亘胤丕賸 賵賯丿乇丞賸 毓賱賶 丕賱鬲賰賷賮.
听听听听听听听听 賵兀賳賰賲 賲賵噩賵丿賵賳 賮賷 賯賱亘 丕賱賲賰丕賳 丕賱匕賷 鬲丨丿孬 賮賷賴 丕賱鬲睾賷賷乇丕鬲 丕賱丿丕卅賲丞.
听听听听听听听听 廿賳 丕賱賲賵囟賵毓 丕賱匕賷 丕禺鬲乇鬲賲賵賴 賱賱賲賳鬲丿賶 賷毓亘賾乇 兀氐丿賯 鬲毓亘賷乇 亘兀賳 鈥澷冑 丕賱兀賲賵乇 鬲亘丿兀 賲賳 丕賱亘賷鬲鈥.
听听听听听听听听 賮廿丨乇丕夭 丕賱鬲賯丿賲 丕賱丨賯賷賯賷 賷亘丿兀 兀賵賱 賲丕 賷亘丿兀 毓賱賶 丕賱賲爻鬲賵賶 丕賱賲丨賱賷.
听听听听听听听听 毓賱賶 丕賱兀乇囟.
听听听听听听听听 丿丕禺賱 丕賱賲噩鬲賲毓丕鬲 丕賱賲丨賱賷丞 賵賮賷 丨賷丕丞 丕賱賳丕爻.
听听听听听听听听 賱賯丿 丕毓鬲賲丿 賯丕丿丞 丕賱毓丕賱賲 賱賱鬲賵 賲賷孬丕賯 丕賱賲爻鬲賯亘賱.
听听听听听听听听 賵賴賵 兀丿丕丞 噩丿賷丿丞 賴丕賲丞 丕賱睾乇囟 賲賳賴丕 賴賵 丕賱丿賮毓 亘毓賲賱賳丕 丕賱丨賷賵賷 賵丕賱鬲毓噩賷賱 賮賷 鬲丨賯賷賯 兀賴丿丕賮 丕賱鬲賳賲賷丞 丕賱賲爻鬲丿丕賲丞 賵丕賱鬲氐丿賷 賱兀賵噩賴 毓丿賲 丕賱賲爻丕賵丕丞.
听听听听听听听听 賵賴賵 賷丿毓賵 廿賱賶 囟賲丕賳 鬲賵賮賷乇 丕賱爻賰賳 丕賱賲賱丕卅賲 賵丕賱丌賲賳 賵丕賱賲賷爻賵乇 丕賱鬲賰賱賮丞 賱賱噩賲賷毓貙 賵廿賱賶 丿毓賲 丕賱亘賱丿丕賳 丕賱賳丕賲賷丞 賮賷 鬲禺胤賷胤 賵鬲賳賮賷匕 賲丿賳 毓丕丿賱丞 賵丌賲賳丞 賵氐丨賷丞 賵賲賷爻賵乇丞 丕賱鬲賰賱賮丞 賵賲爻鬲丿丕賲丞 賵賯丕丿乇丞 毓賱賶 丕賱鬲賰賷賮.
听听听听听听听听 賵賳丨賳 丕賱賷賵賲 兀丨賵噩 賲丕 賳賰賵賳 廿賱賶 匕賱賰 兀賰孬乇 賲賳 兀賷 賵賯鬲 賲囟賶.
听听听听听听听听 賮丕賱賲丿賳 鬲賵賱賾丿 70 賮賷 丕賱賲丕卅丞 賲賳 丕賳亘毓丕孬丕鬲 睾丕夭丕鬲 丕賱丕丨鬲亘丕爻 丕賱丨乇丕乇賷. 賵賲賳 丕賱賲鬲賵賯毓 兀賳 賷夭賷丿 丨噩賲 丕賱賳賮丕賷丕鬲 丕賱亘賱丿賷丞 亘賳爻亘丞 丕賱孬賱孬賷賳 禺賱丕賱 噩賷賱 賵丕丨丿.
听听听听听听听听 亘賷丿 兀賳 丕賱賲丿賳 賱賷爻鬲 賲丨乇賰丕鬲 賯賵賷丞 賱賱鬲賳賲賷丞 丕賱丕噩鬲賲丕毓賷丞 賵丕賱丕賯鬲氐丕丿賷丞 賮丨爻亘貙 亘賱 賴賷 兀賷囟丕 賲丨賮賾賽夭丕鬲 賱賱丨賱賵賱 丕賱賲爻鬲丿丕賲丞.
听听听听听听听听 廿賳賳賷 兀乇賶 賮賷 丕賱爻賱胤丕鬲 丕賱賲丨賱賷丞 賵丕賱廿賯賱賷賲賷丞 噩夭亍丕 兀爻丕爻賷丕 賲賳 丕賱丨賱 賮賷 丕賱毓丿賷丿 賲賳 丕賱賯囟丕賷丕 賵毓賱賶 噩賲賷毓 丕賱賲爻鬲賵賷丕鬲貙 亘賲丕 賮賷 匕賱賰 賮賷 丕賱兀賲賲 丕賱賲鬲丨丿丞.
听听听听听听听听 賵賷賲賰賳賳丕 噩賲賷毓丕 丕賱丕爻鬲賮丕丿丞 賲賲丕 鬲亘丿賵賳賴 賲賳 丌乇丕亍 賲鬲亘氐賾乇丞 賵鬲胤乇丨賵賳賴 賲賳 兀賮賰丕乇 賳賷賾賽乇丞.
听听听听听听听听 賵賱賴匕丕 丕賱爻亘亘 兀賳卮兀鬲購 賮乇賷賯 丕賱兀賲賲 丕賱賲鬲丨丿丞 丕賱丕爻鬲卮丕乇賷 丕賱賲毓賳賷 亘丕賱丨賰賵賲丕鬲 丕賱賲丨賱賷丞 賵丕賱廿賯賱賷賲賷丞.
听听听听听听听听 兀賳丕 兀毓賱賲 兀賳 賴匕丕 丕賱賲賳鬲丿賶 爻賷丨馗賶 禺賱丕賱 丕賱兀賷丕賲 丕賱禺賲爻丞 丕賱賲賯亘賱丞 亘賮乇氐丞 丕賱禺賵囟 賮賷 賲丕 鬲丨賲賱賴 丕賱鬲賳賲賷丞 丕賱丨囟乇賷丞 丕賱賲爻鬲丿丕賲丞 賲賳 鬲毓賯賷丿丕鬲 賵賲丕 鬲鬲賷丨賴 賲賳 賮乇氐.
听听听听听听听听 賱匕貙 兀丿毓賵賰賲 賱賱爻毓賷 廿賱賶 丕爻鬲賳亘丕胤 丕賱丕亘鬲賰丕乇丕鬲 賵鬲賱賲賾購爻 丕賱兀賮賰丕乇 丕賱賲賱賴賽賲丞 賰賷 鬲丨賲賱賵賴丕 賲毓賰賲 廿賱賶 賲噩鬲賲毓丕鬲賰賲 丕賱賲丨賱賷丞.
听听听听听听听听 賰賲丕 兀丿毓賵賰賲 廿賱賶 鬲胤賵賷乇 丕賱亘賳賶 丕賱鬲丨鬲賷丞 賵丕賱禺丿賲丕鬲 丕賱毓丕賲丞 賱賱噩賲賷毓貙 亘賲丕 賮賷 匕賱賰 賱賱賳爻丕亍 賵丕賱賮鬲賷丕鬲.
听听听听听听听听 廿賳 賲丕 鬲鬲禺匕賵賳賴 賲賳 廿噩乇丕亍丕鬲 賲丨賱賷丞 爻賷卮賰賱 丕賱賱亘賽賳丕鬲 丕賱兀爻丕爻賷丞 賱亘賳丕亍 賲丿賳 禺囟乇丕亍 賵毓丕丿賱丞 賵賯丕丿乇丞 毓賱賶 丕賱鬲賰賷賮 賮賷 丕賱賲爻鬲賯亘賱.
听听听听听听听听 賮賱賳毓賲賱 賲毓丕賸 賰賷 賳噩毓賱 賲賳 丕賱鬲丨囟乇 丕賱賲爻鬲丿丕賲 丨賯賷賯丞 賵丕賯毓丞.
听听听听听听听听 賵賱賳囟賲賳 兀賱丕 賷鬲禺賱賮 兀丨丿貙 賮賷 兀賷 賲賰丕賳貙 毓賳 丕賱乇賰亘.
听听听听听听听听 卮賰乇丕賸 賱賰賲.