
Improved Access to Secondary Education opportunities for the population
in the protracted Somali Refugee situation in Jijiga Refugee Camps, North East Ethiopia

Implementing Entity/ies
Collaborating Partners
Development & Inter-Church Aid (DICAC); Administration for Refugees and Returnees Affair (ARRA)
Mar. 2017 - Feb. 2018
Approved Budget
$ 500,000


The project aimed at improving secondary education services for protracted Somali refugee children and youth (15-18 age) in three refugee camps around Jijiga town in North East Ethiopia by: strengthening the already available refugee secondary school in Sheder camp; and by facilitating access for refugee students to the nearby government secondary schools in Kebribeyah and Aw-bare camps. UNHCR worked with the DICAC and ARRA as national partners for the implementation and monitoring of the project.

By mainly focusing on the SDG 4, the project results were:

  • Increased enrolment rate of refugee children in secondary school from 1,464 to 1,672 (35.8%) of which 41% were girls thanks to targeted education awareness campaigns, tutorial classes and social club activities. During the same period, a reduction from 8% to 0% in the percentage of students drop-outs. All students were also provided with uniforms, books and supplies as well as payment of school registration fee for the refugee students of the two camps attending national public schools;
  • Improved safe learning environment in schools and quality education: a total of three schools received assistance in the maintenance of the school premises and all teachers and education coordinators in the three camps received training on the Education Management Information System (EMIS) in order to enhance and strengthen evidence-based education management system. Although efforts should have been made in the increase of women teachers, it was reported that no recruitment of new teachers was made except one (male).
  • Another accomplishment of the project was the partnership with the ARRA and the Regional Education Bureau and Woreda Education Offices to promote peaceful coexistence and integration of the refugees with local communities for a longer sustainability beyond the duration of the project itself.

The importance of community outreach and partnership with local authorities to build national awareness and ownership were mentioned as key factor for a successful implementation.

Award ceremony in Aw-bare: awards provided to outstanding girls during the school closing ceremonies.

Girls sport club are essential for increasing the enrolment rate of girls in secondary education. Sport club including basketball, volleyball and football, competitions took place within school and with other host community schools within camps