

CEDAW Committee to Start Work on General Recommendation No. 26

Reporting guidelines / General recommendations / Country reports

At its thirtieth session held on 12-30 January 2004, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women decided to begin elaboration of a new general recommendation (No. 26), on article 2 of the Convention.

As decided by the Committee at its seventeenth session in July 1997 (), the Committee follows a three-stage process for the formulation of general recommendations. In the first stage, a general discussion and exchange of views on the subject of the general recommendation is held by the Committee, with the participation of entities of the United Nations system, non-governmental organizations and other organizations. In the second stage, a Committee member is asked to draft the general recommendation to be discussed at the next session of the Committee. In the third stage, a revised draft is submitted to the Committee at a subsequent session for consideration and adoption by the Committee as a whole.

With regard to general recommendation No. 26, the first stage of elaboration will begin on 21 July 2004 during the Committee's thirty-first session, scheduled to take place from 6 to 23 July 2004, at United Nations Headquarters in New York.

United Nations entities and non-governmental organizations wishing to participate in the general discussion and/or to submit background papers for consideration by the Committee, are kindly invited to contact the Secretariat by no later than 1 May 2004.

Expressions of interest and requests for information should be addressed to:
Emanuela Calabrini
Women's Rights Section
Division for the Advancement of Women/DESA
Fax: 212 963 3463