
Parallel Events Request and Coordination System - online help


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DAW has developed an online system to improve the coordination of Parallel Events during the CSW Sessions.

Please note that DAW coordinates the Parallel Events organized by 缅北禁地Missions and 缅北禁地entities.
The NGO Committee coordinates and schedules the Parallel Events organized by NGOs.

Some of the benefits of the system are:

This new system is an ‘one stop shop’ for NGOs because it facilities:

It will be necessary to update NGO organizational information before proceeding to the Parallel Event request form. There are two main reasons for collecting, updating and correcting the organizational contact and classification information:

Once the organizational information has been successfully updated, a new system menu option will appear in the system's menu called "Request Parallel Event".

Click this menu option to view the current list (if any) of pending, submitted and scheduled Parallel Event requests. From this list a new Parallel Event request can be added or an existing one can be edited or cancelled. Also speakers, invitees or support staff can be added for a specific event, even after an event has been submitted for scheduling.

When adding a new Parallel Event request, please note it does not have to be immediately submitted for scheduling there and then. Organizers can come back and add additional information at a later time.

Please note that only submitted requests are then reviewed by DAW or the NGO Committee for scheduling. All events are scheduled on a first come first served basis.

All data entry fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled before a Parallel Event request can be submitted for scheduling.

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Requesting Login Credentials

缅北禁地Missions and 缅北禁地Agencies should fill in the Login Credentials form. Once the Parallel Event form has been submitted an automatic email notification will be sent within 2 working days noting the requested login credentials .

缅北禁地Missions click here to register for Login Credentials.
缅北禁地Agencies click here to register for Login Credentials.

When you have received Parallel Events Request and Coordination System login credentials via email, click here and login to submit a Parallel Event request to DAW.

NGOs can retrieve their login credentials via the "Retrieve your login and password" online form.

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Retrieve your login and password

This form allows you to retrieve your login ID and password via email.

缅北禁地Missions or 缅北禁地Entities that are already registered for access to the system can click here to retrieve their login credentials via email.
NGOs that already have access to system can click here to retrieve their login credentials via email.

缅北禁地Missions can click here to register for Login Credentials.
缅北禁地Agencies can click here to register for Login Credentials.

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Parallel Event Description List

When you click the menu option "Request Parallel Event" a list of all Parallel Events you have in the system for the current CSW Session will be displayed.

This list will display the Parallel Event ID number, title, date of submission and the current status of each Parallel Event request. Note each Parallel Event request has been assigned a unique identification number for easy reference.

To edit an existing Parallel Event click the "-Edit-" button of the Parallel Event you wish to update. To simply view all the details of a Parallel Event in the list then click the "-View-" button.

To request a new Parallel Event please click the "-Click here to request a new Parallel Event-" button.

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Requests for Parallel Events

Click the "Request Parallel Event" in the Parallel Events Request and Coordination System menu option to view the current list (if any) of pending, submitted and scheduled Parallel Event requests.
From this list, a new Parallel Event request can be added. Existing requests can be edited, viewed or even cancelled.
Speakers, invitees or support staff can be added for a specific event, even after an event has been submitted for scheduling.

When selecting to add a new Parallel Event request, please note it does not have to be submitted for scheduling immediately. Organizers can come back and add additional information later.

Please note that only submitted requests are then reviewed by DAW or the NGO Committee for scheduling and all events are scheduled on a first come, first served basis.

Requesting a Parallel Event Request

The Parallel Events Request and Coordination System is broken into 6 easy steps:

Step 1: Event Type and Description
Step 2: Contact Information
Step 3: Date, Time and Duration of Parallel Event
Step 4: Technical Requirements and Equipment
Step 5: Speakers, Support Staff and Invitees for the Parallel Event
Step 6: Submit Parallel Event form for scheduling


When moving from one Step to the next Step, data is automatically saved to the database.

Some data such as Event Title and Event Type in Step 1 are mandatory data entry fields that must be completed before moving to Step 2. These fields are marked by a red asterisk (*).

All the Parallel Event data entry fields marked with a green asterisk (*) will have to be completed before submitting the Parallel Event request for scheduling.

Complete as much information as available from Step 1 to Step 5. Organizers can return to the Parallel Events Request and Coordination System at a later time to add more information. Please note that Parallel Events are scheduled on a first come, first served basis. The Parallel Event will only have a submitted date stamp upon completion of Step 6 and only then will it be considered for scheduling.

Once submitted (via Step 6) the Parallel Event request is marked for scheduling by DAW or the NGO Committee, Technical Requirements, Speakers, Invitees and Support staff can still be added after submission but no other changes will be allowed, so please review the Parallel Event details in print view format before submitting for scheduling.

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Print View Parallel Event

This menu option displays all the details for a selected Parallel Event as they are currently in the Parallel Events Request and Coordination System.

Click the menu option "Request Parallel Event" to return your current list of Parallel Events.


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Edit Parallel Event

The Parallel Events request form is broken into 6 easy steps:

Step 1: Event Type and Description
Step 2: Contact Information
Step 3: Date, Time and Duration of Parallel Event
Step 4: Technical Requirements and Equipment
Step 5: Speakers, Support Staff and Invitees for the Parallel Event
Step 6: Submit Parallel Event Form for scheduling

When moving from one Step to the next Step, data is automatically saved to the database.

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Step 1: Parallel Event Title, Type and Description

Enter the title of the Parallel Event.
Select the type and theme of event.
Enter the description of the event.
Enter the number of participants expected.

Click the "Next Step"or the "Submit Request" menu option to save the details you entered in this step.

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Step 2: Contact Information

Enter the cosponsors (if any) for this Parallel Event request.
Enter the contact information of the person who will be organizing this Parallel Event.
Enter the secondary/backup contact person who will be organizing this Parallel Event, if any.

Please note, when adding phone numbers and fax numbers that New York phone numbers are preferred with city code, otherwise ensure the fax and/or phone number contains BOTH the country and city phone codes too.

Click the "Next Step"or the "Submit Request" menu option to save the details you entered in this step.

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Step 3: Date, Time and Duration of Parallel Event

Enter a maximum of 3 possible dates and time when you would like to hold this Parallel Event on.
Enter the time duration of this Parallel Event.
If you have additional information that will aid in setting up the Parallel Event, please enter it in the "Additional Comments" box.

Click the "Next Step"or the "Submit Request" menu option to save the details you entered in this step.

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Step 4: Technical Requirements and Equipments

Please enter the quantity of each item required for your Parallel Event.

Please note:

  1. COST: please click here for current standard rates for equipment usage in the 缅北禁地buildings.
  2. No computer or laptop can be provided for any of the events.
  3. Interpretation booths can be provided at a cost to organizers but no interpretation service will be provided for any of the Parallel Events. Dag Hammarskjöld Library (DHL) and the 缅北禁地Alphabet conference rooms have no interpretation booths.

Click the "Next Step"or the "Submit Request" menu option to save the details you entered in this step.

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Step 5: Speakers, Support Staff and Invitees for the Parallel Event

This step displays the current list of Speakers, Support Staff and Invitees for the Parallel Event that has been added so far for the current Parallel Event.
Add new attendees for this Parallel Event by clicking the "-Step5: Click Here to add more Attendees for this Parallel Event-" button.
Unlist (delete) attendees for this Parallel Event by clicking the "-Unlist-" button.

New attendees for this Parallel Event can be added even after submitting the Parallel Event request for scheduling.
Note: if you need to change an Attendees details simply click the "-Unlist-" button and add as a new Attendee.

Click the "Save" button to save the person's details.

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(Step 6:) Submitting a Parallel Event for scheduling.

Click the "Submit Request" menu option to submit the Parallel Event for scheduling by either DAW or the NGO Committee. The system will then verify that all the required data has been entered correctly and will display appropriate error messages, allowing corrections to be made.

Once successfully submitted (via Step 6), the Parallel Event request is marked for scheduling (by DAW or the NGO Committee). Technical Requirements, Speakers, Invitees and Support staff can still be added on-line after submission but no other changes will be allowed on-line, so please review the Parallel Event details in print view format before submitting for scheduling. If any changes are required to the event title and preferred dates and times, please contact csw53@un.org with changes required.

An automatic email will be sent containing all the details of the Parallel Event will be sent to the organizer. Please store this email for future reference.

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Add Representatives

This feature is available to NGO's only.

Click the "Representatives" in the system's menu option. A list of the current representatives who have been registered by the NGO to participate in the upcoming CSW Session will be displayed, under the heading "Current List of Representatives for CSW 53rd Session".
There are 2 options:

1 ) Add new representatives for the CSW session by clicking the "-Click Here to add more Representatives for the CSW 53-" button.
2) Unlist (delete) representatives for the CSW session by clicking the "-Unlist-" button.

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Updating NGO organizational contact information

This feature is only available to NGOs.

It will be necessary to update NGO organizational information before proceeding on the Parallel Event request form. There are two main reasons for collecting, updating and correcting the organizational contact and classification information:

All fields in the NGO organizational online form are mandatory and are marked by a red asterisk (*).
Click the "Save" button when the organizational information has been updated. Then a new option will appear in the Parallel Events Request and Coordination System menu called "Request Parallel Event".

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Pre-registration of NGO participants for CSW Sessions

This feature is only available to NGOs.
Click the "Representatives" system's menu option. A list of the current representatives who have been registered by the NGO to participate in the upcoming CSW Session will be displayed.
There are 2 options:

  1. Add new representatives for the CSW session by clicking the "-Click Here to add more Representatives for the CSW 53-" button.
  2. Unlist (delete) representatives for the CSW session by clicking the "-Unlist-" button.
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Parallel Events Request and Coordination System Calendar

The system's Parallel Event Provisional Calendar displays the following:

  1. Date and times selected by organizers to hold their Parallel Event.
    Scheduled date and time selected by DAW or the NGO Committee.
  2. Name of Organization organizing the Parallel Event.
  3. Event Id number. This is a unique identification number for the Parallel Event and should be used in all correspondence.
  4. Title of the Parallel Event.
  5. Conference room where the scheduled Parallel Events will be held.
  6. Event Type.
  7. Event Theme.
  8. Status of request .

The Parallel Events Request and Coordination System's Public calendar displays the same information as described above but only on scheduled events.

The calendar of Parallel Events can be sorted according to different criteria by clicking the corresponding column headings.

Please note the scheduled date and time of any Parallel Event is liable to last minute changes. Please check the Parallel Events Request and Coordination System's Calendar for latest Parallel Events that have been scheduled by DAW or the NGO Committee.

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Contact NGO Committee

NGO Committee on the Status of Women


The NGO Commitee on the Status of Women
708 3rd Ave.
5th Floor, Room 101,
New York, NY 10017

Fax number: +1 (212) 209-7161

Contact Focal Point: Ms. Vivian Pender at ngo_csw_ny@hotmail.com

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Contact DAW

United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women
Department of Economic and Social Affairs

2 缅北禁地Plaza, DC2-12th Floor,
New York, NY 10017, USA

Fax: +1 (917) 367-0587

DAW Homepage:

Contact email address for CSW issues: CSW53@un.org

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Lead Organization Name: The name of the Mission, 缅北禁地Agency or ECOSOC accredited NGO that is the lead organizer of the event.

Co-sponsors: The name of Mission, 缅北禁地Agency or ECOSOC accredited NGO that is co-sponsoring the event.

Primary Contact Person: The focal person responsible for organizing the event. If the same organization is organizing several events, the primary contact person should be the focal point for all events.

Backup Contact Person: The person to contact if the primary contact person is unavailable.

Type of Event: If the event is not a workshop, panel or caucus, please provide information that explains the type of event. Conference rooms may not be used for art exhibitions.

Number of Participants expected: Please provide a reasonable estimate of the number of participants expected to attend this event.

Agency Budget Account number: 缅北禁地Agencies are required to enter their Budget Account number. Other Parallel Event organizers will be invoiced by e-mail. The invoice must be paid at the cashier’s office 5 days prior to the event.

Date & Time: Please indicate, in order of preference, the dates and times you would like your event scheduled. Choice of dates and time will be accommodated on a first come, first served basis. Note: The schedule and room assignments are subject to change.

Technical Requirements and Equipment: Specify the type of equipment you will need if you plan to show videos (i.e. DVD, VHS, Beta, etc.) [---to be completed with information from FMD.]

We strongly recommend the request of portable microphones for events held in the Dag Hammarskjöld Library (DHL) Auditorium for the Q&A.

The Alphabet Conference rooms (A-E) are small enough that they do not require audio.


1. Interpretation: If you request translation services, your Parallel Event must include a budget for simultaneous interpretation. The 缅北禁地does not provide interpreters for Parallel Events, however, you are welcome to invite interpreters and request the use of translation booths, at your expense, for your event. Alphabet rooms and the Dag Hammarskjöld Library (DHL) do not have translation booths.

2. PowerPoint Presentations and videos: You must provide your own laptop computer for PowerPoint presentations and videos on CD-ROM. LCD projectors available at a cost upon request.

Cost: Click on the link [ example ] for an estimate the cost of services and technical equipment needed for your event.

Speakers, Support Staff and Invitees: list the speakers, support staff and guests that will be attending the event.
Children under 16 are NOT allowed in the 缅北禁地Secretariat building.

Temporary Passes to enter the 缅北禁地building: indicate the number of passes needed for speakers, staff and guests who do not have passes to get into the 缅北禁地building. Laissez passes and ECOSOC passes are valid for getting into the 缅北禁地building during the CSW.

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