(as of 25 February 2000)
28 February 2 March and 3 17 March
Schedule of Side Events
Sunday, 27 February 12.00-5.00
UNICEF NGO Orientation and Training House (NGO Committee on the Status of Women)
Monday, 28 February
9.00-9.45 Room 1 NGO/DAW Daily Briefing
9.00-6.00 DHL Aud Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
1.15-2.45 Room 1 Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
3.00-5.00 Room B "Women and Community Health" (Rural Development Leadership network)
Tuesday, 29 February
9.00-9.45 Room 1 NGO/DAW Daily Briefing
1.15-2.45 Room B Workshop on "Trafficking in Women" (Soroptimist International/MIRAMED/UNIFEM)
1.15-2.45 Room 1 Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
1.15-2.45 Room 5 Workshop on "Womens Rights are Human Rights" (International Federation of Business and Professional Women)
<1.15-2.45 DHL Aud. Briefing by 缅北禁地Regional Commissions
3.00-4.00 DHL Aud. Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
Wednesday, 1 March
9.00-9.45 Room 1 NGO/DAW Daily Briefing
10.00-12.00 Room B Workshop on "Forced Marriages"(Womens National Commission UK)
1.15-2.45 Room 1 Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
1.15-2.45 Room 5 Panel on "Women at the Peace Table" (UNIFEM)
1.15-2.45 DHL Aud. Round Table on "Globalization: The Power of Education to Effect Change" (UNESCO/International Federation of University Women)
Thursday, 2 March
9.00-9.45 Room 1 NGO/DAW Daily Briefing
10.00-12.00 Room B Workshop on "Linking Cairo-Copenhagen and Beijing: The Asymmetry
of Globalization"
12.00-1.00 Room B Briefing (MIRAMED Institute)
1.15-2.45 Room B Panel on "Women and Autoimmune Diseases: Gender and Biological
Perspectives" (Global Alliance for Womens Health)
1.15-2.45 Room 1 Panel on "CEDAW and Sharia Law" (UNIFEM)
1.15-2.45 DHL Aud Panel on "Making It Happen: Women and the Culture of Peace" (UNESCO/World Peace Prayer Society/ Jubilennium)
3.15-4.45 DHL Aud Linkage Caucus (WEDO)
5.30-8.00 DHL Aud Film Screening and Discussion with the Film Makers
"Tough Guise: Violence, Media and the Crisis" "When Four Friends Meet" (UNDP Mens Group for Gender Equality/ UNICEF/UNSCR Cine and Video Club/ Group on Equal Rights for Women in the UN)
6.00-8.00 Room B UNIFEMs NGO Group
Friday, 3 March
9.00-9.45 Room 1 NGO/DAW Daily Briefing
10.00-12.00 Room B Workshop on "CEDAW & Optional Protocol" (ARROW)
1.15-2.45 Room B Briefing on the implementation of the health aspects of the Beijing Platform for Action (Commonwealth Medical Association)
1.15-2.45 Room 1 Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
12.30-3.00 DHL Aud Round Table Discussion on "Gender-based Violence and Masculinities: Entry Points for Building Community Responses" (UNDP Mens Group for Gender Equality/ UNICEF/UNSCR Cine and Video Club/Group on Equal Rights for Women in the UN)
3.00-5.00 Room B Womens Human Rights Caucus Opening Workshop(Centre for Womens Global Leadership)
Sunday, 4 March
10.00-5.00 缅北禁地NGO Consultation (NGO Committee on the Status of Women)
Monday, 6 March
9.00-9.45 Room 1 NGO/DAW Daily Briefing
9.00-1.00 DHL Aud Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
10.00-12.00 Room B Panel Discussion on "A NGO Gender Perspective on Health and the Environment in Sustainable Development: Five Years After Beijing" (NGO CSW Environment Caucus)
1.15-2.45 Room B Workshop on "Reproductive Health Issues in Africa" (Right to Life International)
1.15-2.45 Room 1 Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
1.15-2.45 Room 5 Panel on "Transforming Legislation: Challenges and Experiences"(UNDP-GIDP)
6.15-7.45 Room B Panel on "Local Level Action to Build Violence-Free Communities" (UNIFEM/IULA)
Tuesday, 7 March
9.00-9.45 Room 1 NGO/DAW Daily Briefing
9.00-11.00 DHL Aud Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
10.00-12.00 Room B Open-Door Workshop on "Gender Mainstreaming Methodology" (UNDP-GIDP)
11.15-12.45 DHL Aud Linkage Caucus(WEDO)
1.15-2.45 Room 1 Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
1.15-2.45 Room B Briefing on "The Rise of Religious Extremism and its Impact on Womens Rights and Health" (Presbyterian 缅北禁地Office)
1.15-2.45 Room 4 Launch of "Progress of the Worlds Women" (UNIFEM/UK Mission)
1.15-2.45 DHL Aud Panel on "The Gains of Beijing Platform for Action in the Internaitonal Criminal Court" (Womens Caucus for Gender Justice)
3.00-5.00 Room B "Widowhood the Neglected Issue"(Womens National Commission UK)
3.00-6.00 DHL Aud Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
6.00-8.30 DHL Aud Presentation on "Trafficking in Women"(Coalition against Trafficking in Women)
Wednesday, 8 March
9.00-9.45 Room 1 NGO/DAW Daily Briefing
10.00-12.00 Room 4 Inter-Agency International Womens Day Panel Discussion
1.00-3.00 Delegates International Womens Day Luncheon in Dining Room Honour of Women Ambassadors to the 缅北禁地And Other Outstanding Women Leaders (Group on Equal Righs for Women in the UN)
1.15-2.45 Room B Panel on "Girls & HIV/AIDS: How to Respond?" (Working Group on Girls/UNICEF)
1.15-2.45 Room 1 Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
6.00-8.00 Room B UNIFEMs NGO Group
6.00- Church Centre Reception(International Womens Tribune Centre/ UNIFEM/UNDP)
Thursday, 9 March
9.00-9.45 Room 1 NGO/DAW Daily Briefing
9.00-11.00 Room B Workshop on "Women and Economy: Training and Advisory Services" (Il Cenacolo)
11.30-1.00 Room B Briefing on UNIFEMs Trust Fund (UNIFEM)
1.15-2.45 Room B Workshop on "Girls to Young Women: Connections" (Working Group on Girls/UNICEF)
1.15-2.45 Room 1 Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
1.15-2.45 Room 5 Panel on "Women and Mental Health"(WHO)
3.00-5.00 Room B Round Table Discussion(Rotary International)
3.15-4.45 DHL Aud Linkage Caucus(WEDO)
5.00-6.00 DHL Aud Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
6.15-8.00 DHL Aud Screening of "A World Free of Violence against Women"(UNIFEM)
Friday, 10 March
9.00-9.45 Room 1 NGO/DAW Daily Briefing
9.00-1.00 DHL Aud Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
11.00-1.00 Room B Workshop on "Women, Poverty and Governance"(Philippines Mission)
1.15-2.45 Room B Workshop on "Economic Empowerment of Women: Forging Effective Partnerships"(NGO Committee on UNIFEM)
1.15-2.45 Room 1 Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
1.00-3.00 DHL Aud Workshop on "Women and Sport, Exercise and Active Lifestyle"(Womens Sport Foundation/Women Sport International)
3.00-5.00 Room B Human Rights Workshop(Centre for Womens Global Leadership)
Monday, 13 March
9.00-9.45 Room 1 NGO/DAW Briefing
10.00-12.00 Room B Briefing(Concerned Women for America)
1.15-2.45 Room B Briefing on 缅北禁地Reform(UNIFEM/UNDG Gender Sub-Group)
1.15-2.45 Room 1 Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
3.00-5.00 Room B Workshop on "CEDAW & Optional Protocol"(ARROW)
9.00-9.45 Room 1 NGO/DAW Daily Briefing
9.00-11.00 DHL Aud Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
10.00-12.00 Room B Briefing on the Outcome of the Global Knowledge II Conference (UNIFEM)
11.00-1.00 DHL Aud Panel on "Dissident Women Speak from the Third World"(Right to Life International)
1.15-2.45 Room B Seminar on the Interim Findings of the IACWGE Task Force project on Budget Processes (DAW/OSAGI)
1.15-2.45 Room 1 Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
3.00-5.00 Room B Workshop on "New Dialogue for New Exigences"(Il Cenacolo)
Tuesday, 14 March
1:15-2:45 Room B Workshop on
Wednesday, 15 March
9.00-9.45 Room 1 NGO/DAW Daily Briefing
9.00-1.00 DHL Aud Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
1.15-2.45 Room B Panel on "1999 World Survey on the Role of Women in Development: Globalization, Gender And Work"(Division for the Advancement of Women)
1.15-2.45 Room 1 Issue/Regional Caucuses
3.00-5.00 Room B Human Rights Workshop(Centre for Womens Global Leadership)
6.00-8.00 Room B UNIFEMs NGO Group
Friday, 17 March 9.00-9.45 Room 1 NGO/DAW Daily Briefing
1.15-2.45 Room B Inter-Agency Panel on "Good Practices"(UNIFEM)
1.15-2.45 Room 1 Issue/Regional Caucuses meetings
WomenWatch, the United Nations gateway on the advancement of women and empowerment of women, is holding an exhibit in the basement near the conference rooms throughout the session period. Please visit this hands-on exhibit!