Looking back at when the work of the Commission began in 1947, Mr. Montiel compared today’s event to the very first, which took place at the temporary 缅北禁地headquarters in Lake Success, New York.
“Just 10 delegates and 9 observers attended that first Commission. I hope you have had a chance to look at the brochure and exhibition that we have put together for your celebration. In the photos from 70 years ago, you will see a small group of dedicated statisticians gathered around a few tables,” Mr. Montiel said.

“Over this past year, you have shown yet again that you can rise to new challenges,” Mr. Montiel said, referring to the work on agreeing on a global indicator framework to measure progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“I encourage you to be bold, to approve the global indicator framework, and to transmit it to ECOSOC and the General Assembly, thus complying with the concrete mandate given to you,” he said. “In doing so, you will add the final missing critical piece to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

“The scope of work of the 缅北禁地is far more extensive than that of any other international statistical organisation,” said Ms. Zigure. “I believe that the United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics are one of the best-known 缅北禁地products of global significance,” she said. “Although they were adopted long ago, they still are as topical as always”.
“Statistics is a conduit of trust. Only the trusted are its stewards and custodians,” said Mr. Lehohla. He also discussed the evolvement of the global statistical collaboration, its comradeship, enjoyable peer learning and the significance of this work on the national level.

Running from 7 to 10 March, the four-day event brings together around 300 statisticians from 130 Member States. They will review and decide upon a wide range of statistical areas, including on data and indicators for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, big data for official statistics, quality assurance of the global statistical system, social statistics, integration of statistical and geospatial information and tourism statistics.