
Africa Agenda

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Africa Agenda

Africa Renewal
From Africa Renewal: 

18–20 August 2010, Accra (Ghana) — Mediating Democracy in Africa. Organized biannually and involving distinguished scholars and individuals from Africa and the rest of the world to examine the impact of the media on democracy.Contact Demay Alarbi, tel +233 303 208185 / 233 20 0723197, fax +233 303 208185,email <info@amdmc.org>, website <>.

18–21 August 2010, Lome (Togo) Biodiversity Forum. Organized by the Alliance nationale des consommateurs et de l’environment–Togo. Contact Fabrice Ebeh, tel +228 2513415 / 2513416, fax +228 2513576, e-mail <ebeh@ancetogo.org>, website <>.

2–4 September 2010, Accra (Ghana) — Africa’s Green Revolution: Investing in African Agriculture. Organized by the African Green Revolution Forum and bringing together African heads of state, ministers, farmers, private agribusiness firms, financial institutions, NGOs, civil society and scientists. Contact: Suzanne O’Leary, tel +1 303 996 8984, fax +1 303 415 3650, e-mail <Suzanne@agrforum.com>, website <>.

9–11 September 2010, Lisbon (Portugal) Seventh Iberian Congress of African Studies: 50 Years of African Independencies. Contact Inês Galvão, tel +351 217 903 067, fax +351 217 955 361, e-mail <vii.congresso.estudos.africanos@gmail.com> website <>.

20–22 September 2010, New York (山Headquarters) High-Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly. Known as the “MDG Summit,” it will focus on accelerating progress towards the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. Website <>.

27–30 September 2010, Cape Town (South Africa) Africa Energy Week. Africa’s largest gathering of governments, NGOs and corporate investors on energy, combined with an international exhibition, strategic oil and gas conference and environmental forum. Contact Shaun Quinn, tel +44 207 9780 000, fax +44 20 79780099, email <squinn@thecwcgroup.com>, website <>.

4–6 October 2010, Washington DC (USA) US-Africa Private Sector Health Forum. Organized by the Corporate Council on Africa. Contact Elizabeth Bachini or Emmanuel Nouga, tel +202 835 1115,fax +202 835 1117,email<cca@africacncl.org> website <>.

29 November–10 December 2010, Mexico City (Mexico) Sixteenth Conference of the Parties to the 山Framework Convention on Climate Change.Tel +49 228 815 1000, fax +49 228 815 1999, email <secretariat@unfccc.int>, website <>.

What has taken place

18–23 July 2010, Vienna (Austria) — XVIII International AIDS Conference. One of the largest gatherings on the topic, with an estimated 20,000 participants from more than 185 countries. Tel +41 22 710 0800, fax: +41 22 710 0899, e-mail <info@asociety.org>, website <>.

19–27 July 2010, Kampala (Uganda) 15th African Union Summit, on the theme of “Maternal, Infant and Child Health and Development in Africa”. Contact Rahel Akalewold, tel: +251 11 551 4555, fax: +251 1 511 299, e-mail <RahelA@africa-union.org>, website <>.
