
Africa Agenda

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Africa Agenda

Africa Renewal
From Africa Renewal: 

19–23 January 2006, Bamako ( Mali ) — 2006 World Social Forum.
E-mail <espaceforum@afribone.net.ml>, website<>

2–5 February 2006, Segou ( Mali ) — Second Festival on the Niger, on the theme “Culture and Environment, Tourism and Environment.” Organized by the Association of Hotel Owners and Restaurateurs for Tourism. E-mail <info@festivalsegou.org>, website<>

24–25 February 2006, Ohio ( USA ) — Women, Gender and Sport in Africa Symposium. Contact Gerard Akindes, tel (740) 597-3207, e-mail <akindesg@ohio.edu>, website <>

7–9 March 2006, Arusha ( Tanzania ) — 21st Annual Joint Scientific Conference. This conference is organized by National Institute for Medical Research and will focus on the theme of “Meeting the Millennium Development Goals.” Tel (255) 22-212-1400, fax (255) 22-212-1360 / 212-1380, e-mail <ajsc@nimr.or.tz>

14–18 March 2006, Accra ( Ghana ) — Global Summit on HIV/AIDS, Traditional Medicine & Indigenous Knowledge. Organized by Africa First (USA), in association with the Ghana Ministry of Health, World Health Organization, UNAIDS and others. Contact J.William Danquah, tel (651) 646 4721, fax (651) 644 3235, e-mail <info@africa-first.com>, website <>

16–12 March 2006, Mexico City ( Mexico ) — 4th World Water Forum. The theme is “Local Actions for a Global Challenge”. Tel (52) 55 51744480, fax (52) 55 51744722, e-mail <worldwaterforum4@can.gob.mx>, website <>

24–26 March 2006, Texas ( USA ) — Movements, Migrations and Displacements in Africa . Contact Toyin Falola, tel (512) 475 7224, fax (512) 475 7222, e-mail <Toyin.Falola@mail.utexas.edu>, website <>

6–8 April 2006, Bergen ( Norway ) — 7th International Sudan Studies Conference, on the theme “Fifty Years after Independence: Sudan’s Quest for Peace, Stability and Identity.” Addressing the historic root causes of the conflict is an ongoing process. Organized by the University of Bergen, Sudan Studies Association and Sudan Studies Society of the UK. Website <>


13–18 November 2005, Yaoundé ( Cameroon ) — 4th MIM Pan-African Malaria Conference, on the theme “New Strategies against an Ancient Scourge.” The Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM) Pan-African Malaria Conferences are the largest meetings worldwide solely focusing on malaria. Contact Wilfred Mbacham, tel (237) 724 9202, e-mail <mimconference@mim.su.se>, website <>

12–14 December 2005, Addis Ababa ( Ethiopia ) — Seminar on Destination Management. Organized by the World Tourism Organization. Website <>

13–18 December 2005, Hong Kong ( China ) — Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference. WTO press enquiries, tel: (41-22) 739 50 07 fax: (41-22) 739 54 58, e-mail <enquiries@wto.org>, website <>
