
‘Peace is indispensable’ says 山deputy chief in Ethiopia, hearing stories of conflict and hope

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‘Peace is indispensable’ says 山deputy chief in Ethiopia, hearing stories of conflict and hope

From Africa Renewal: 
9 February 2022
La Vice-Secrétaire générale de l'ONU Amina Mohammed (à gauche) accompagnée de la Présidente éthiopienne Sahle-Work Zewde lors de sa visite aux communautés frappées par la sécheresse dans l'État régional de Somali.
UNECA/Daniel Getachaw
Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed (left) was accompanied by President Sahle-Work Zewde of Ethiopia on her visit to drought-stricken communities in the Somali Regional State.

From survivors of rape to young women entrepreneurs, theUNDeputy Secretary-General has spent theweekmeeting some ofthose whose lives have been upended byconflict in Ethiopia,but alsohearingstoriesofhopethat point towards the “indispensable” value ofa return tolastingpeaceacross the African nation.

Followingthe, where she represented theSecretary-General, Amina Mohammed left on SundayforAmhara, one of northern regions affected bythe violencewhich erupted inNovember 2020, between Government forces and those allied withseparatists inTigray.

She met with a range of people, including the Vice President ofAmhara, and witnessed first-handhow the United Nations is trying toassist those mostin need.

“There is a lot of work that has been done here for us to try to help the people of Amhara. Butwhat is clear is that the price for conflict is too high, and therefore, peace is indispensable”, she said, offering the Organization’scontinuedsupport.

Across all three conflict-affected regions of the north,now need humanitarian food assistance, the highest number so far, sincethe conflict began.

School destroyed

Throughout the day, shesawhowhospitals, markets, schoolsandfarmshavebeen destroyedby conflict over thelast 15months,andsaw for herself the hardship being faced by local people as a result.

Shemetwitha group of students from a high schoolinKombolcha,badly damaged during the fighting.Until very recently, the school,established 45 years ago, was considered one of the best in the country.

But then war came.

Speaking to Ms. Mohammed, a student leaderrecalled how devastated they were when theyfound outtheirclassroomshad become the latest casualty of the conflict.

“The high school has produced a lot of people who have made remarkable contributions to the country and earned respect from Ethiopians.Members of the community contributed from theirmeagreincome,to add more facilities to the school,so that we get quality education”,the studentrecalled.

Now, she said, none of themcanmake any contribution to rebuilding and furnishingnew study areas, as theyarestruggling to make ends meet.

“We need your support to rebuild our school”, she said.

Women in Amhara, affected by the armed conflict, share their traumatic experiences in an emotional exchange with Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed.
Women in Amhara, affected by the armed conflict, share their traumatic experiences in an emotional exchange with Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed./UNECA/Daniel Getachaw


The Deputy Secretary-Generalthen left Amhara for Tigray, wheretheclashes first erupted between federal Government troops and forces loyal to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

Shediscussedoptions for a peaceful resolution to the fighting,with theregional President,and thebenefits that would presentto all Ethiopians,andalsovisitedAyderHospital.

The health centre, located in the capital of the region,Mekelle,issupported by the UNPopulation Fund (), the sexual and reproductive health agency,andprovides holistic supportforrape survivors.

“This is an experience,to see the whole of the psychological effects and physical effects of rape on women – the care”,Ms. Mohammedsaid.

Forher,the mostheart-breaking part of the visitweretheindividual stories of survival.

“Those stories need to be told. We need to know that in conflict, there are no winners. In fact, those that this falls most on,are women and children”, she said.

Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed (centre) visits a hospital in Mekelle and meets medical staff who are forced to reprocess and reuse basic healthcare items that are rapidly running out of stock.
Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed (centre) visits a hospital in Mekelle and meets medical staff who are forced to reprocess and reuse basic healthcare items that are rapidly running out of stock./UNECA/Daniel Getachaw


The Deputy Secretary-Generalmetone of the doctors,who recalled how glovesused to be abundantly available, butnowthe supply issimply running out.

“We wash them over, sterilize them and send them back to use again. The same thing with the test tubes. We ran out of test tubes with anticoagulants. So,we are trying to reprocess them”,he said.

Ethiopia has managed to maintain one of the lowest rates of in East Africa, but that work has now become much harder.

In the last few months, many kits forHIV diagnosis have expired. The team is now trying to check whether they can still be used. In the meantime, they received the go ahead to use what they have, because there is no alternative.

“Doctors have found it so difficult to get used to this situation. this is a man-made conflict. We are hoping to scale up and take care of them a little bit more”, the doctor said.

Relentless drought in Somali

OnMonday,Ms. Mohammed visited the conflict-affected regions ofAfar and Somali, where shewasjoined byEthiopia’s President,Sahle-WorkZewde.

Along with three other lowland regions,Somali is currently suffering from a prolonged drought. Water wells have dried up, killing livestock and crops, and pushing hundreds of thousands of children and their families to the brink.

The relentless drought will leavepeople in need ofurgent humanitarian assistance by mid-March.

The 山Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ethiopia, CatherineSozi, told 山News that, in 2021, allocations by the organization to Somali region for aid to those most in need was over $18 million. An additional $20 million will be allocated to the regionthis month.

“In addition to providing humanitarian assistance, we are looking at the reasons why people are being displaced in the first place and will find long-term sustainable solutions, addressing the root causes”, she explained.


During hertime in Somali, theDeputy Secretary-General metwiththe President of the region,but alsopastoralists, displaced people, and community leaders.

One of thosedisplaced,isNimuMohammed, 45years old,anda mother of nine.

She recalled how she lost livestock and pasture, and, as the drought got worse, she was forced to leave her village with her three younger children, leaving behindtheother six.

InKebrebeyeh, she found a welcoming community, despite the difficultiesthey all face.

“They are sharing with us what they have. However, the challenges of the drought are beyond the capacity of our host community. We need food, water and other essential support immediately”, she said.

Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed was welcomed by Ambassador Mehereteab Mulugeta, Chief of Cabinet of Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs upon her arrival in Addis Ababa to participate in the 35th African Union Summit.
Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed was welcomed by Ambassador Mehereteab Mulugeta, Chief of Cabinet of Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs upon her arrival in Addis Ababa to participate in the 35th African Union Summit./UNECA/Daniel Getachaw

Underscoring the impact of climate change, theDeputy Secretary-General encouraged the region’spresident to look beyond agriculture,toinnovations that could increase water supply andhelp restore prosperity to the area. 

Shealsocommended the Somalipeopleformaintainingpeaceacross their region, noting thatthey providedan example for other countries in Africa and the world to follow. 

“What we have seen in Somali is that we need to do more to save lives, but also more to save livelihoods and to build a prosperous region, a prosperous Ethiopia. And for that, we need a partnership. The United Nations cannot do it alone”,she said. 

Ms. Mohammed’shope is that the trip will highlight theexistingneeds;andthatfuturepartnershipscanbringmoreinvestment, not just aidto theregion.

Creative Hub

On Tuesday,shereturned to the country’s capital, Addis Ababa, to hear the stories ofyoung women entrepreneurs.

They are all part of aCreative Hubsupported by the 山Industrial Development Organization ().

Speaking to the women, she reminded themofthe strength theypossess through sticking together and supporting each other.

“What I like about the spirit here is you are not waiting for anyone to tell you how to do it. You are just saying, ‘give me the opportunity to create the environment and I can do it. I can grow it. I can be so much bigger and better.’ And this is exciting”, Ms. Mohammed said.

Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed meets with young women entrepreneurs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed meets with young women entrepreneurs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia./UNECA/Daniel Getachaw

Faces of hope

One of the participantsin the meetingwasLidia Million, Founder and General Manager ofLinuManufacturing PLC, a company thatproduces leather products.

Afterovercomingmany challenges to become competitive in the international market, she and nine other entrepreneurs formed an association known as LOMI, inspired by the Amharic proverb “50 lemons, a burden for one person but jewellery for 50.”

“Working under this cluster has helped us a lot”, she said, explaining how thehubfacilitatedaccess totraining,new technologies, facilities,marketsand networks.

“That make us competitive in the international market and collectively respond to the growing demands to our products”, sheadded.

Listening totheirstories, looking at the faces filled with excitement, what Ms. Mohammed saw washope,she said,a beliefthat “the powerhouse of Ethiopia can be felt on the continent and beyond in otherregions.”
