
COVID-19: SG Remarks on Socio-Economic Impacts Report

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COVID-19: SG Remarks on Socio-Economic Impacts Report

Secretary-General António Guterres
31 March 2020
Secretary-General António Guterres takes part in the extraordinary Virtual Leaders’ Summit of the Group of Twenty (G-20) on the COVID-19 Pandemic
Secretary-General António Guterres takes part in the extraordinary Virtual Leaders’ Summit of the Group of Twenty (G-20) on the COVID-19 Pandemic

It is essential that developed countries immediately assist those less developed to bolster their health systems and their response capacity to stop transmission.

The world isfacingan unprecedentedtest. And this is the moment of truth.

Hundreds of thousands of people are falling seriously illfrom COVID-19, and thedisease is spreading exponentially in many places.

Societies are in turmoil andeconomies are ina nose-dive.

TheInternationalMonetary Fundhas reassessed the prospect for growth for 2020 and 2021, declaring that we have entered a recession – as bad as or worse than in 2009.

We must respond decisively, innovatively and together tosuppressthe spread of the virus andaddress thesocio-economic devastationthatCOVID-19is causingin all regions.

The magnitude of the response must match the scale of the crisislarge-scale, coordinated and comprehensive, with country and international responses beingguidedby the World Health Organization.

And it must be multilateral, with countries showing solidarity to the most vulnerable communities and nations.

Themessage of the report we are issuing todayis clear:shared responsibility and global solidarity in response to the impacts of COVID-19.

Itis a call to action.

First, for an immediatecoordinatedhealth response to suppress transmissionandend the pandemic.

A responsethat scales up health capacity for testing, tracing,quarantineand treatment,while keeping first responders safe, combined withmeasures to restrict movement and contact.

Aresponsethat delivers universal access to treatment and vaccines, when they are ready.

It is essential that developed countries immediately assist those less developed to bolster their health systems and their response capacityto stop transmission.

Otherwise we face the nightmare of the disease spreading like wildfire inthe global Southwith millions of deaths and the prospect of the disease re-emerging where it was previously suppressed.

Let us remember that we are only as strong as the weakest health system in our interconnected world.

Second,we musttackle thedevastatingsocial and economicdimensions ofthis crisis, with a focus on the most affected:women,older persons,youth, low-wage workers, small and medium enterprises, the informal sector and vulnerable groups, especially those inhumanitarian and conflict settings.

Wemustseecountriesnot onlyunitedto beat the virusbut also totackleits profoundconsequences.

That meansdesigning fiscal and monetarypoliciesable to supportthe direct provision of resources to support workers and households,theprovision of health and unemployment insurance, scaledup social protection, and support to businesses to prevent bankruptcies and massive job losses.

What is needed is alarge-scale, coordinated and comprehensive multilateral response amounting to at least 10 per cent of global GDP.

Developed countries can do it bythemselves, and some are indeed doing it.

But we must massively increase the resources available to the developing worldby expandingthecapacity ofthe International Monetary Fund, namely through the issuance of special drawing rights,andtheother international financialinstitutionsto rapidly inject resources into the countries that need them.

Coordinated swaps among central banks can also bring liquidity to emerging economies.

Debtalleviationmust also be a priority –including immediate waivers on interest payments for 2020.

The United Nations system is fully mobilized, providing guidance for global efforts, supporting country responsesandplacing our supply chains at the world’s disposal.

And tosupport our efforts, theUnited Nations is establishing a new multi-partner Trust Fund for COVID19 Response and Recovery to support low- and middle-income countriesto respond to the emergency andrecover from thesocio-economicshock.

山Resident Coordinators will be the drivers of the 山response on the ground, ensuring that the wide and diverse expertise and assets of the United Nationsare used in the most efficient and effective way to support countries.

Finally, when we get past this crisiswhich we willwe will face a choice.

We can go back to the worldas it wasbefore or deal decisively with those issues that make us all unnecessarily vulnerable to crises.

Our roadmap is the 2030 Agendaand the 17Sustainable DevelopmentGoals.

The recovery from the COVID-19 crisis must lead to a different economy.

Everything we do during and after this crisis must be with a strong focus on building more equal,inclusiveand sustainableeconomies andsocieties that are more resilient in the face of pandemics, climate change, and the many otherglobalchallenges we face.

What the world needs now is solidarity.

With solidarity we can defeat the virus and build a better world.

Thank you.

PDF of SG Report: Shared Responsbility, Global Soldarity: Responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19

PDF of SG Response and Recovery Fund

SG Press Release
