
DR Congo President asks for materialization of ‘all the promises made to Africa’

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DR Congo President asks for materialization of ‘all the promises made to Africa’

21 September 2021
President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo of the Democratic Republic of the Congo addresses the general debate of the 山General Assembly’s 76th session.
山Photo/Cia Pak
President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo of the Democratic Republic of the Congo addresses the general debate of the 山General Assembly’s 76th session.

ThePresident of Democratic Republic of Congo,Félix-AntoineTshisekediTshilombo, askedforUnited NationsMember Statesto“materialize all the promises made to Africa in compensation for the sacrifices agreed to protect humanity against global warming.”

“There are less than six weeks left beforeand nine years before 2030. For Africa, the year 2030 will be marked by a drop in GDP of up to 15per centreduction in agricultural yields and a sharp increase in the risk of coastal flooding and in island countries,” Mr.Tshilombosaid.

Henotedthat, to cope withthenegative impactsof climate change, the African continent will need $30 billionayearto adapt. This amountshouldincrease to around $50 billion by 2040.

“Africa does not need charity,” but constructive win-win partnerships to make better use of its collective national wealth and improve the living conditions of its people, he stressed.

Mr.Tshilombowas speaking at 山Headquarters at the opening of the high-level week of theGeneral Assembly. After being held virtually last year due thecoronaviruspandemic, this year’s gathering will feature “hybrid” activities that will include leaders in person along with virtual participants.

President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo of the Democratic Republic of the Congo addresses the general debate of the 山General Assembly’s 76th session.

Debt and financial support

Speaking about theCOVID-19pandemic, he said Africa“Africa has not folded its arms and does not intend to capitulate”to thevirus butstressed all the difficulties the countries are facing.

Hewelcomedinitiativesrelated tofinancing oftheeconomies, in particular those of the G20 on the suspension of debt service and the common framework for debt restructuring, andpointed to theallocation of$650 billion in special drawing rights (SDRs) from the International Monetary Fund ().

For him,the $33 billion allocated to Africa“are insufficient in view of the immensity of its economic stimulus needs.”The African Unionsupportsthe objective of the Paris Summit,$100 billioninSDR forthe continent.


Regarding the withdrawal of the 山Mission (), he agreed to the timeline approved by theUNSecurity Council, with atransition periodthat expires in 2024.

He askedforthe process to be “gradual, responsible andorderly” andsaid heexpects“the United Nations and the Security Council to give all the necessary means to MONUSCO and its Rapid Intervention Brigade so that they fulfill their mandates.”

“This is to ensure that the troops deployed have the required capabilities and means, including the necessary training to meet the requirements of the reality on the ground and the asymmetric warfare currently waged by armed groups and Islamist terrorists,” he explained.

Speaking about the elections scheduled for 2023, he said he hopes to contribute to “the organization ofafree, transparent, inclusive and credible”vote.

The threat of terrorism

On the topic ofpeace and security,the resident said “the scourge of insecurity caused by the cohorts of terrorists, armed groups, mercenaries and criminals of all stripes is undermining the institutional stability of young democracies and destroying the efforts of many African leaders to develop their countries.”

Heargued thatthefight against DAESHwaswon in the Middle East,but in Africa“AQIM and other groups affiliated with DAESH are gainingmoreground every day”, in places likeMali, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Burkina Faso.

About his country,he said“islamist”fundamentalism has reached the east”of theterritory, whichis“paying a heavy price in the provinces ofIturi, North Kivu, South Kivu and Maniema.”

“Africa refuses to serve as a base for international terrorism”, headded.

Economy and development

Recently, political crises have erupted in a fewMember States, butMr.Tshilomboargued that“these crises cannot obscure the enormous progress made by the majority of African countries in terms of democracy and good governance.”

“This is how the Congolese people continue their noble and exhilarating struggle against dictatorship, autocracy and the values ​​that still structure our actions,” he said.

Last June, the Democratic Republic of Congo entered into aprogrammewith the IMF andis currentlybenefittingfrom the assistance of the World Bank to carry out major social projects and basic infrastructure.Mr.Tshilombospoke of “courageous reforms” that should accelerateeconomic growth accelerated to over 5per centa year.

He ended his speech addressing the “endless problematic of the reform of the United Nations and of the representation of Africa within itsSecurity Council.”

“It is a question of the effectiveness of the United Nations and of justice to a continentan entire section of humanity whose role continues to increase every day,” he said.

He added that is country supports a proposal thataddstwoadditional non-permanent membersfor Africaand twoseats aspermanent members,with the same rights,including veto.
