
Implementing peace deal only path for stabilization in Mali: 山peacekeeping chief

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Implementing peace deal only path for stabilization in Mali: 山peacekeeping chief

17 January 2020
Implementing peace deal only path for stabilization in Mali: 山peacekeeping chief
MINUSMA/Harandane Dicko
山peacekeepers return to their helicopter following a mission to the village of Sobane Da in the Mopti region of Mali.

Implementationof the2015peace agreementin Maliprovides the onlypathwayforstabilizationthere, the head of 山peacekeeping told the Security Council on Wednesday.

Jean-Pierre Lacroixupdated ambassadors ondevelopments in the West African country, where a 山operation, known by the French acronym, supports political processes and restoration of state authority against a backdropof insecurity, intercommunal violence and increasing displacement.

was established followingfighting between Government forces and Tuareg rebelsin January 2012, leading to the occupation of northern Mali by radical Islamists.

Theauthorities and twoseparatearmed group coalitionssigned the peace deal three years later.

“The rapid and thorough implementation of the peaceagreement remains the only viable pathfor the stabilization of Mali.It provides the framework for the required political and institutional reforms to restore and decentralize State authority, to build a Malian state that reflects the diversity and interests of all its citizens”,saidMr. Lacroix.

“The peace agreement also provides for mechanisms to address the grievances of those Malians who feel excluded from the country’s political life and economic development and who see little hope for their future.”

National dialogueconcludes

Despiteslowstartsanddisagreements, bothbetweenand amongthesides,theUNpeacekeeping chief reported thatprogress has been achievedin Mali,such astheholding of aninclusive national dialoguewhich concludedinDecember.

ForeignMinisterTiébiléDramécharacterizedit as a milestonefor his country.

“The national dialogue was an important point in the life of the nation: a point at which a true national consensus was forged with lively solidarity,” he said, speaking via videoconference.

“For his part, the President of Mali has taken the commitment of doing everything in his power to ensure that theresolutions and recommendations ofthenational dialogue, pursuantto current law, be implemented.”

"Redeploying reconstituted army units to the north remains an 'urgent priority'”

Regional plans

Another step forward has been the disarmingandsubsequentintegration of former combatants into the national defence and security forces.

Mr. Lacroix said redeploying reconstituted army units to the north remains an “urgent priority”, with afirst battalionexpected in theregion by the end of the month:an important step towards restoring state authority nation-wide.

At the same time, the 山has increased its presence and activity in Mopti, locatedin central Mali, which has contributed to de-escalating intercommunal violence and massacres.

However,this has meant diverting assets from the north, leading to whatMr. Lacroixdescribed as “dangerous gaps” in some areas. To address the challenge,MINUSMAwill make some adaptationswithinits authorized troop strength.

“The plan provides for the establishment of a Mobile Task Force, which will enhance theMission’s ability to implement its mandate and protect civilians. It will make MINUSMAmore agile, flexible and mobile with tailored units and enhanced capabilities, mostimportantly additional air mobility”,he explained, before calling on ambassadors for their support.

Support for the Sahel

Mr. Lacroixbeganhis briefing byaddressingthe“alarming”deteriorating security situation not only in Mali butinthe wider Sahel.

Just last week alone,89soldiers from Nigerwere killedand 18 peacekeepers injuredin two separate attacks.There has also been a rise in the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) against 山convoys.

“Terrorism continues to feed into inter-communal violence in the centre of Mali,” he reported. “There are now more displaced persons suffering from hunger in the Mopti region than there were in the past.”

The United NationssupportstheG5 Sahelregional body, which brings togetherBurkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger, all of which are experiencing rising extremist violence.

French ambassadorNicolas de Rivièretold the Council thatfollowing a recent summit held in his country,the G5 and its international partnershaveestablished acoalitionfor the Sahel.

“The aim is to step up our supportfor countries of the G5 Sahel,butalsobeyond that to incentivize them to engage in reform: of course,security reform,but alsogovernance and human rights reform,” he said.“With these conditions being met, we can eradicate terrorism.”
