

People traveling from Ebola-affected States to be screened

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People traveling from Ebola-affected States to be screened

New Ebola mobile lab in Liberia speeds up diagnosis and improves care.
New Ebola mobile lab in Liberia speeds up diagnosis and improves care. Photo: U.S. Army Africa/Jerrold Diederich

Exit screenings in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone can help reduce the exportation of the Ebola virus, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended.

An emergency committee led by the agency met in Geneva on Thursday to review international health regulations.

The Committee agreed that the situation continues to constitute a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

No general ban on international trade or travel was agreed on.

Dr Isabelle Nuttall is the WHO Director of Global Capacities, Alert and Response.

"Exit screening remains critical for reducing the exportation of Ebola cases and this should be done with all people leaving international airports, seaports and major land crossing in these three countries. They explain what exit screening should consist of ; being at a minimum a questionnaire, a temperature measurement and if fever is discovered, an assessment of the risk that the fever is caused by the Ebola virus disease." Ìý(38″)

Meanwhile, specific attention will be paid to health care workers helping with the outbreak, the Ãå±±½ûµØhealth agency noted.

They will be monitored and follow-ups of their health will be conducted when they return to their respective countries.

WHO latest figures report a total of over 9,900 cases and more than 4,800 deaths in the affected countries.

Jocelyne Sambira, United Nations.

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