
Security Council extends mandate of 山mission in Libya for six months

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Security Council extends mandate of 山mission in Libya for six months

Security Council votes to extend mandate of 山Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). 山Photo/Eskinder Debebe
山Photo/Eskinder Debebe
ecurity Council votes to extend mandate of 山Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). 山Photo/Eskinder Debebe

13 June 2016 – The Security Council today decided to extend until 15 December 2016 the mandate of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), encouraging the operation to re-establish a permanent presence in the country through a phased return.

The current mandate was set to expire on 15 June.

In its resolution, the Council expressed its support for the ongoing efforts of UNSMIL and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to facilitate a Libyan-led political solution to the challenges facing Libya.

The 15-member body also recalled its resolution2259(2015), which endorsed the Rome Communiqué of 13 December 2015 to support the Government of National Accord as the sole legitimate Government of Libya, and welcomed the arrival in Tripoli on 30 March 2016 of members of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord, led by Prime Minister Fayez Serraj.

Further to the text of the resolution, the Council welcomed the endorsement in principle of the Libyan Political Agreement by the House of Representatives on 25 January 2016 and further welcomed the meeting of the Libyan Political Dialogue on 10 March 2016, which reaffirmed its commitment to uphold the Libyan Political Agreement.

Recognizing the importance of continued inclusiveness, the Council strongly encouraged the Government of National Accord to support reconciliation and enhance political outreach throughout Libya, as well as emphasized the importance of all parties in Libya engaging constructively with the Libyan Political Agreement in good faith and with sustained political will.

In the resolution, the Council also urged the full, equal and effective participation of women in all activities relating to the democratic transition, conflict resolution and peacebuilding in line with relevant Security Council resolutions.

Expressing grave concern at the “rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation in Libya,” the Council also encouraged the Government of National Accord to finalize interim security arrangements for stabilizing Libya as a critical step towards tackling the country’s political, security, humanitarian, economic and institutional challenges and to combat the threat of terrorism.

Recalling its determination in resolution 2213 (2015) that the situation in Libya continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security, the Council decided that UNSMIL, within operational and security constraints, will undertake human rights monitoring and reporting; provide support for securing uncontrolled arms and related material and countering its proliferation; provide support to key Libyan institutions; provide support, on request, for the provision of essential services, and delivery of humanitarian assistance and in accordance with humanitarian principles; and coordinate international assistance.
