
Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General - on Nigeria

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Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General - on Nigeria

21 October 2020
Secretary General António Guterres
United nations Secretary-General António Guterres.

The Secretary-General is following recent developments in Nigeria and calls for an end toreportedpolice brutalityand abuses. He condemns the violent escalation on 20 October in Lagos which resulted in multiple deaths and caused many injuries.He expresses his condolences to the bereaved families and wishes a speedyrecovery to those injured. He calls on the Nigerian authorities to investigate these incidents and hold the perpetrators accountable.

The Secretary-Generalurges the security forces to act at all times with maximum restraint while calling on protestors to demonstrate peacefully and to refrain from violence.

The Secretary-Generalencourages the authorities to swiftly explore avenues to de-escalate the situation. Hereiterates the readiness of the United Nations to support national efforts towards finding a solution.

Stephane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General
