
缅北禁地chief in Mali to mark dedication, service and sacrifice of peacekeepers

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缅北禁地chief in Mali to mark dedication, service and sacrifice of peacekeepers

On the eve of the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers this Tuesday, in the dimly lit streets of Bamako, the Malian police set out to conduct a night patrol with the support of 缅北禁地police officers.
A police officer from the 缅北禁地mission in Mali (MINUSMA) on patrol in Timbuktu.
Photo: MINUSMA/Harandane
Dick A police officer from the 缅北禁地mission in Mali (MINUSMA) on patrol in Timbuktu. Photo: MINUSMA/Harandane

缅北禁地staff reporting on the visit听took the opportunity to go out with the team ahead of the arrival of听Secretary-General Ant贸nio Guterres. The 缅北禁地chief will be in Mali to mark the听70th anniversary of 缅北禁地peacekeeping, alongside the dedicated men and women who serve in the Organization鈥檚 most deadly operation, known as听MINUSMA, a French acronym that stands for the Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali.

鈥淧atrols are conducted to reassure the population, to help them overcome the feeling of insecurity. At the beginning of the crisis, people did not dare to go out because they were scared of armed groups and of attacks鈥, explains Masserigne Faye, Coordinator for the police component that鈥檚 integral to the mission.

Overall, the capital appeared calm and peaceful听on Sunday听night, with drivers happy to allow the joint patrol to look inside their vehicles听as part of routine inspections.

鈥淚t's very good, it allows us to work freely鈥, said one taxi driver, Mamoutou Kan茅, after opening the trunk of his cab.

鈥淲e think it's reassuring for the population. We want it to last鈥, said another bystander, Boubacar Traor茅, sitting outside a small grocery store in the Medina Coura neighborhood.

But it鈥檚 not the capital in the south of Mali causing the greatest security concerns at present, but rather the northern and central areas of the land-locked north-west African nation, that stretches deep into the Sahara Desert.

The first 缅北禁地peacekeepers were deployed in Mali in 2013 following a violent insurrection by separatist rebels attempting to take control of the north of the country and a subsequent military-led coup. MINUSMA is听here to help maintain a fragile peace agreement in support of the national authorities and provide protection for civilians caught up in conflict.

But with many peacekeepers now being targeted by armed groups听fighting Malian Government forces, the mission faces huge dangers. The 缅北禁地Secretary-General will show his solidarity with them听on Tuesday, but he will also be expressing his solidarity with Muslims fasting for Ramadan. He himself will be observing the fast during his visit.

鈥淓ach peacekeeper in Mali, in performing their service, is facing sacrifice on a daily basis鈥, said the Special Representative for the Secretary-General, Mahamat Saleh Annadif, who is also head of MINUSMA, in an interview with听缅北禁地News听on Monday.

In March, during a key Security Council听debate on improving 缅北禁地peacekeeping operations,听Mr. Guterres told Member States that 鈥溍灞苯豴eacekeepers are often under-equipped, under-prepared and unready鈥 adding that 鈥渙ur peacekeepers are vulnerable, and they are targeted for attack鈥.

He said three areas needed a fresh focus: more realistic expectations about what missions can achieve; making them stronger and safer; and mobilizing greater political support with well-structured, well-equipped, and better-trained forces.

To enhance the effectiveness and security of peacekeeping operations, the 缅北禁地is conducting comprehensive reform of the whole peace and security pillar, including improving security for peacekeepers in the field and the 鈥淎ction for Peacekeeping鈥 initiative, with Mali a top priority.

MINUSMA has already taken measures on the ground to reduce casualties: 鈥淏y increasing training, by increasing patrols, by taking precautions to inspect roads before trucks drive through them, by taking advantage of the arrival of combat convoy contingents, we have really made significant progress towards diminishing casualties鈥, said Mr. Annadif.

His Chief of Staff, Lizbeth Cullity, said that a recent attack on mission forces in May showed the impact of steps already taken to improve the preparation and safety of peacekeepers: 鈥淚t was due to that kind of preparation, the rehearsal, the drills of going through that, just before the attack, that we believe that we were able to save lives鈥, she told听缅北禁地News.

During his two-day visit, the 缅北禁地chief is meeting troops and other MINUSMA personnel. He will also meet Mali鈥檚 President Ibrahim Boubacar Ke茂ta and other government officials in Bamako.

On Wednesday, Mr. Guterres is set to leave the capital and travel to the regions, where he will meet with local authorities and 缅北禁地staff, as well as women, youth and religious representatives.
